Allianz National Football League 2023

i’m hanging my hat on it here.

Mayo flying it although I’d wager they’d have a lot more work done than an anyone else in division 1. McStay had them in for trials in September. Pretty much been back together since October.

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A statue be more use than morley at 6. Literally waving them true


Lee Keegan should have hung on for one more season😢

They’re undercooked and Jack knows it

Do Kerry have the GOAT on the bench?

Lively game of fisht n boot

Dara Roche is what Brian Kerr would call a “little barreller”.

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He was due to be. May as well lave him there and let the others figure it out

This is some joker in goal for Kerry

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Just going to say similar. He is very poor.

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McStay has them kicking the ball way more, getting into the attacks much quicker. The forward press very strong too.

Coman Goggins looks older than I do.


But his jersey is fire

One of them League games where you fuck out a chap just to keep him going later in the year

That’s the greatest point you’re ever likely to see

Aido is purring

Jordan Flynn has really improved. Used to be a bit of a donkey but 4 points from play here.


It’s not been a good day for goalkeepers on d’telly.

Was just thinking he’s gone fierce withered looking. Must only be in his early 40’s.