Allianz National Football League 2023

Jack has only been happy for about 8 minutes in his life

Mayo going home giddy and Jack going home in February with a reason to flog his players. Everyone’s happy.

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Fucking goalie

Another nice example of this just now.

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Mayo doing serious rowling around now

Tony Brosnan experiment at 13 has been a total failure. Moynihan will hardly cut the mustard either.

Mid table finish for Kerry will suit them fine.

Cillian O’Connor avoiding the autographs there at the full time whistle. Clever.

Brosnan is a grand club player. Another Ian Twiss or a less rapey Declan Quill

The step father must be helping.

Brosnan just can’t get the separation from the backs at county level

Saw that reflects very poorly on him!

A list of Kerry forwards over the last 38 years or so who didn’t quite make it would be fascinating.

Timmy Dowd (yes he scored a goal in an All-Ireland final as a sub but did not back it up)
John Kennedy (similarish)
Willie Maher (similarish)
Michael McAuliffe
Pa Dennehy
John Cronin
Timmy Fleming
Sean Geaney
Genie Farrell
Paul O’Connor

On the next level up you’d have lads like Aodhan MacGearailt and Noel Kennelly who looked like they were going to be mainstays for a decade but quickly faded away.

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He attempted to break a few tackles in the 1st half but it ruined his confidence. Realistically Clifford will be in that corner, can’t see him being a creative attacker.

They have loads of better options like Spillane, Gaeney or even Paudie Clifford in that role.

You forgot Pa Laide


Pa was certainly in that second category, Barry John Walsh and Ronan O Connor in the first

Barry John Keane although I’ll give him a pass for being a bit of a legend.

Rory Gallagher is a rogue. I was reading a piece during the week where he said Meath had unearthed a great keeper this year. Fast forward to Saturday and said keeper let’s in two howlers in an eleven (11) point defeat against his Derry team.

You forgot Bingo Driscoll.

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Dan Doona is and always will the one that got away for Kerry.

Johnny McGlynn
Patrick Curtin (RIP)
Conor Cox
That fella who hit the ball wide into the stanchion and then finished the rebound to the net and got away with it

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