Allianz National Football League 2024

Effectively has decided the game there.

I’m not expecting Molloy to return after that.


How’s that a black card?

Rodgers knew what he was doing there. Went down easy.

Jokeshop stuff. Rodgers one in the first half wasn’t one either.

We could get a trimming here now.

Strong argument that none of the 3 black cards should have been black cards. And he gave a pen on top for one of them.


He’s a cunt

@johnnysachs and myself had this chat last week. Amazing he gets games at this level


Mickey has Derry purring.

Would PJ not take that Mayo cunt off?

Fucking every ball wide.

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Canning I’d say. He’d be recognised everywhere.

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He would in his eye. You’d hardly know he is in a room.

You are some eejit

McGuigan playing basketball.

Every score here could be important in terms of points difference.

As my mother would say ‘time to take him to the blacksmith’

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The kick pass is causing trouble. Who knew?

Cork now staring relegation to division 3 in the face and non participation in Sam Maguire. Losing to Fermanagh by 3 points at home. They seem to have plummed new depths this year.
Dont seem to have built on underage successes in recent times.

Never winning that game with all the players missing but the ref really decided things with the 2 quick black cards and the penalty. He was very poor. You’ll never convince me he passed the referees fitness test either. Trotting about the field trying to catch his breath.

Johnny McGrath did a great job on McGuigan. Turning into a top corner back.

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