Allianz National Football League 2024

Did he get sent off against dublin, or did the referee bottle it?

Ah lads. That was very funny. Your man just stopped waiting for his penalty

Soft free then as an apology for fucking up the penalty call

Who the fuck is supposed to be marking McGuigan :joy:

Not a glove laid on him and he has 1-4 scored I’d say and setup the other goal

Mayo keep the ball for five minutes and then end up with the corner back shooting from a shit position.

Derry get the ball straight through the defence with three overlapping players and a point in less than 10 secs I’d say.

Mayo are miles off it

The supermacs add should be banned and whoever made them should be locked up for the good of society


McGuigan was literally in 30 yards of space for his last point. It’s almost like Mayo are doing it on purpose

AOS kilt another Derry. His elbows are flying all over the shop. Should be off at this stage

3rd goal for Derry. Mayo are woeful at the back

One of the Derry’s has kilt AOS now

Kevin McStay entering a potential Hot Zone of criticism from the Mayo football commentariat, it could be a case of Kevin McGo after this.

Mayo have entered frantic mode and are reeling Derry in. Back to 4

Back to three. Ref has penalised slow kickouts for both sides with throw ins on the 20

McHale park a seething cauldron now

By God

This game is gone bananas :joy::joy::joy:

Glass with a big score to take it back to 3 and stop the rot

Terrible from the ref

From the evidence of today’s two games the advantage rule appears to have been abolished.

Conroy was about to roof one there