Alright sort of the year 2023

How do you find the time to be such an absolute scourge on tfk? What with all the drinking and working with lads from all over the world that you do, it must be hard for you to find the time to come in here and continuously stink the place out of it.

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Ah the famed salt of the earth wit. I pop in now and again to tell a few home truths to seat sniffers like yourself. You seem to live on here, desperate for a few likes, desperate to suck up to admins. You add nothing you boring skanger.

If you and your fat hole disappeared from this place forever, your spiteful, racist ranting wouldn’t be missed in the slightest. Your absence would merit an odd post and quite a few likes on the ‘things that are right’ thread and that would be it. Think about that before you come back on spewing shite and generally stinking the place out of it

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Bahahaha I had you called out perfectly there you braindead skanger. It’s people like you that allowed child abuse to run rampant in Ireland, read that other thread if you want to look in a mirror. Sure you excuse your own toerags now for robbing old peoples houses you filthy fucking scumbag

What are you raving about you tub of butter.

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You know we’ll enough you filthy fucking skanger. Defending that shit

Put up some examples so, you fat cunt

You’re such a stupid Dublin cunt. Own your people you skanger you are one of them.

Any chance of refining the trash talk lads?

  • skanger
  • fat cunt


Examples please tubs? Or are you too busy working and drinking with lads from all around the world :rofl::rofl::rofl:. You fucking clownshoe

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You filthy fucking skanger, you know what you’ve defended and excused here over the years.

Stick some examples up so you fat racist fuck.

What’s this. Bather burger is calling me a racist again. Fire up a few examples

(see the way he just parrots the pussy admin trying to lick up to him, Dubliners, don’t ever change)

I’m still waiting on examples of your accusations above but the time you called another posters wife a ‘gook’ would be a fairly pertinent example of your racism.

Jesus I don’t even know if he has a wife. That was a fued about ten years ago. But that’s all you have you fucking Dublin skanger. I said fire up a few examples

What’s a fued you illiterate fool?

If calling someones wife a gook isnt an example of racism then what is?

Go back there and read other posters old posts. The admin you lick up to the whole time (this place is really important to you isn’t it :joy:) told plenty of racist jokes. And now you suck up to him.

But go on you have to have more examples than that… If not you’ll admit you are a fucking dublin scumbag

I gave you a pertinent example. Calling somebody a gook is racist. Any chance you might give some examples of your nasty accusations above or are you going to keep deflecting.

Haha no examples to back up your bullshit you absolute fucking skanger. As I predicted.

White flag. Good man. Go back to your donuts fat boy.