FIFA World Cup 2010 - Group Stage

Good to see Iniesta recovering from his life threatening sore muscle to line out btw.

What feet for a centre half

Howard Webb = cunt

Agreed. Great footwork there again. Its because of such skill that he was preferred up front for Barca to Zlatan for much of the closing stages of the season.

Great movement there but a poor final ball from Iniesta. These Nazi sympatisers are kicking anything that moves.

The World Cup jokes/quips are starting to flow now. I like offensive humour so the racist ones amuse me a bit. Now, like every Dublin taxi driver Iā€™m no racist myself but hereā€™s a couple. ā€˜Iā€™ve only watched a couple of games so far but the noise from the flies around the natives is really fucking annoying.ā€™ Orā€¦Q. 'Whatā€™s the name of those really annoying things making all the noise at the World Cup? A. Ni%$ers.

Howard Webb having a poor game so farā€¦game badly needs a spanish goal, Iniesta starting to get a bit of room

Fuck me, this will make it interstingā€¦

Be the lordā€¦

The former Citeh player throws the cat amongst the pigeons and has a cut off the former United player into the bargain.

A big kick and a shout is all the Swiss are.

This lad Navas is a class actā€¦

Ah thats a dinger of a chance for Iniesta. No harm to see the back of Busquets, Navas is a quality player once he pretends heā€™s still in Spain.

Spain have upped it considerably.

Torres fairly butchered that. Goal surely coming for Spainā€¦

That would have been sensational

Smashing effort from Alonso alright! Fuck me the Swiss are pinned back now.

Astonishing scenes! Spanish are steeped not to be 2 down!

Was that a save from Casillas? Think it might have beenā€¦

That run deserved a goal for the Swiss.

Iā€™ve a really shit feeling about this for Spain.