Alternative Schooling Models(Crotty and Fenway)

[quote=ā€œMidshipman Asha, post: 785702, member: 1508ā€]

I forgot also that this years enrolment figures determine teacher numbers for next year and next years for the following but an under subscribed school will generally welcome more numbers[/quote]
Yeah that is very true on numbers. Under subscribed will be keen for more enrolments all right. Need to be very picky about selection of school though imo. While parents are hugely important to a childā€™s development, the choice of primary school is really crucial also.

What is DEIS status, lads?

I very much agree with you but I think you need to look beyond the obvious and hearsay. The primary school I attended probably, no definitely, has the worst reputation of all the schools in the town/city because of the area itā€™s in and the pupil profile - large % of families below poverty line, large % of kids from broken homes , large % of kids in contact with social services and now a huge % originating from areas outside Ireland. I canā€™t tell you the amount of times Iā€™ve heard people disparage it especially those from outside town who would never have had any contact with it at all but it was/is a good school with great teachers and a lovely atmosphere despite the problems ( and there were plenty)

[quote=ā€œKinvaraā€™s Passion, post: 785602, member: 686ā€]Can I pull something from left field on this threadā€¦

Who educated Polish kids and today young polish adults on the nutritional value of food and the benefits of regular exercise?

Why was this missed by the Irish education system and left to the advertising agencies for the food industry to educate us?[/quote]

Their parents did not grow up in affluence. There were food queues until the early 90s. There are sports facilities attached to schools even in villages. They make the most of good weather when they get it. And the large percentage of hot birds force the munters to raise their game.

Sort of disadvantaged or something. They get more support to improve students from government or so the saying goes. Kinda like the remedial class your mateā€™s used to piss off to and whistle and throw things at while you did your maths.