Amazon Cunts

Some of the parts I ordered are coming from a UK seller on the German site. :man_shrugging:
It’s mad out there Dan, it’s mad.

They must have an Irish centre now with speed of some deliveries

I ordered something Monday morning delivered Wed morning… Through the UK site… Back to its best

Have you prime?

I do

Customs charge??

What’s German for “stop sending me all those stupid emails”?

Verpissen sie sich

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

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I was just on the Amazon app there, it’s mad how their offering has deteriorated so much since Brexit. Absolute tat coming up when you search for things, loads of knock-off brands with made up names, very little benefit to having Prime now in terms of delivery.

I’m guessing the new Dublin hub will fix that and might allow them to have a .ie site, but I imagine they’re losing a lot of trade in the interim.

The delivery is quite quick but lots of stuff no longer available for here is right.

Have stopped using after being burned a few times on customs

Good site to compare across the European sites. Have got a few things from Germany lately.


Would you not just order off Amazon Germany?



It’s where I got my jewellery cleaner/guinness surger but I’m yet to purchase anything since

In recent years I’ve been trying to avoid using Amazon as far as possible, cause they’re cunts, but had to order a thing off them this week. Used the German site, no bother, ordered Monday delivery tomorrow.


I’m sure Jeff Bezos is fretting over Ireland alright

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Can’t remember.

I bought an amazon fire off amazon the other day and there was a customers charge incorp in price… But it actually seemed to include the stg euro exchange rate difference also. It was still cheaper than buying anywhere else online

Hasn’t Jeff Bezos enough money lads FFS

I wouldnt buy a thing from Amazon ever. An awful crowd.

Support your local businesses lads. It is very important.

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