Amazon Cunts

I’d say a cunt like Jeff Bezos will never have enough money.


Carbon taxes for the poor, while he goes up to space for a look around

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How’s that firestick working out for you?

I got that as a present. It’s alright only. I’m paying subscriptions to BT and Sky anyway. So its all the wan. I wouldn’t be worried about cash like that.

I wouldnt buy anything from Amazon. They are an awful corporation.

Sure you did :rofl:

That’s my policy too.

Best scenario: buy Irish and independent
Next best: buy from an Irish chain

Doesn’t always work that way of course. But I try to avoid Amazon as much as possible. Maybe one to two transactions a year where I just can’t get sorted elsewhere


Irish and Independent.

But not the Irish Independent, mate.


Buy local lads. We do our bit and only buy Kerrygold butter and cheese.

My mate Ali takes care of me

Jeff Benzos at cop26, blatantly trolling the gobshites in the audience, reminded me of DTRIMBLE on clarehurlers 20 years ago


COP26: Jeff Bezos on the world's 'fragility' - YouTube if he could have squeezed few tears out if would have been unbelievable

That speech reads like an article from The Onion.

“The Earth’s environment is incredible fragile. I realised this when I was floating in my one-man spaceship, having burned unimaginable amounts of fuel to escape the planet’s gravitational pull, for no reason. Floating up there, contemplating my own ego mania, I was distracted by how unexpectedly thin the planet’s atmosphere looked. I spend millions transporting individual toothbrushes wrapped in kilos of cardboard from China to my customers in Europe, but floating around in my spaceship, China to Europe didnt seem like a long way at all.”


I watched that and it reminded me of Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall’s program on Amazon about over-sized packaging. So I had a google for it only to be hit with a long list of Hugh’s books for sale on Amazon. I like Hugh, but it looks like he’s a hypocrite after that.

In fairness to Hugh, I doubt he gets to decide where his publishers sell his books, or even which bookshops choose to distribute through Amazon.

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True, I suppose…

Even the Czech Republic have two.
We’re only trotting after them.

There’s a massive one near Szczecin close to the German border. Near where the inlaws live.

Do they have an Is there any sign of starting up?

No & no.

I wouldn’t know anything about it.
All I know is that the price of silicon is gone through the roof. I used get it from the UK.

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