American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

The second comment was a mistake, I can admit that, he was from a different state and i innocently took that to be a good distance, should media not report his home state?

I don’t think it’s a stretch to suggest that he may well have racist tendencies.

Look, I don’t have an iota of interest in getting into this further with you, a bigger waste of my time is unimaginable

Just to correct this. I didn’t call him a murderer, I said I believed he would be convicted of murder.

Before the trial, before the evidence was presented that demonstrated he was not the aggressor and acted in self defense. Even the talking heads on CNN now reluctantly accept it was the correct decision.

Fucking hell as in there might be a good thing to come out of that sad incident.

A convicted paedophile dead who abused 5 children. Shot dead.

I’ve no issue with that circumstance. I asked the question as to what he was doing there? Was he just looting or what?

Again, I havent being following this.

It’s not just not a stretch, it would be an utter insult to anybody’s intelligence to suggest that Rittenhouse is anything other than a full blown white supremacist and racist.

He came from out of state to arm himself with an AR-15 to threaten and murder protestors about the racist shooting of Jacob Blake.

Superman 2 is just starting on sky movies greats

Of course you don’t, as you have nothing to back up your claims. Why did you decide he had racist tendencies? Because he was white?

Insane extremism writ large.

Kyle Rittenhouse was a live and present threat to the lives of people, he blew away random people who tried to disarm him.

The focus by right wing extremists on the identity of the people he blew away is typical right wing bait and switch to eulogise the act of a white supremacist going on a murder rampage.

The white supremacist murder rampage must be defended at all costs by white supremacists.

It’s their wet dream.

Kyle Rittenhouse was there for no other reason than to mortally threaten and murder BLM protestors.

He was there for other reason than he is a white supremacist.

And so are you.

Some utter freaks here think Kyle Rittenhouse plays him.

Whats the story with the convicted paedophile though pal?

Was he caught in the crossfire or what? Was it covered in the court case do you know?

I’ve no sympathy for that character anyway regardless of his politics.

Was he aligned with a political movement do we know?

Genuine questions.

You’re embarrassing yourself with that line.

Just to list out the other good guy in this story, from the perspective of the woke.

The lad the protests were about to begin with, Jacob Blake. Had a warrant out for his arrest for raping his ex, mother of their children. She had a restraining order against him, on the day in question he showed up at her house and tried to kidnap the children. She called the cops. When they arrived he was trying to drive away with the 3 kids in the car. They tried to arrest him, he was tasered twice and still fought with the cops. He was armed with a knife and was finally shot when he tried to get into the car again.

Obviously the cops should either not have responded to the 911 call, or just let him get on with the kidnapping.

Several media outlets reported this as the cops killing an unarmed black man.

I often wonder did Cian Lynch throw the ball to Gearoid Hegarty for the first goal in the AIF

All the video evidence was available at the time, which was why you were able to make the correct call at the time which you have now walked back because you are down a bottomless rabbit hole of race hatred.

Kyle Rittenhouse murdered two people in cold blood and attempted to murder a third.

If Kyle Rittenhouse had been a BLM protestor he would have lay dead on the street that night.

It’s time for black people, leftists and allied people of other colours to start arming themselves and organising themselves into armed patrols in response to this fascist threat.

It’s the only way.

Because the murder of protestors across the US has now been legitimised and is the naked strategy of right wing America to gain permanent power and inflict permanent tyranny.

This threat is existential and will destroy America if not confronted.

That is the fact.

The law is designed to protect murderers like Rittenhouse.

It has no relevance. It is utterly irrelevant.

Kyle Rittenhouse murdered random people who tried to disarm him.

That is the issue.

And that that murder is deemed legitimate by the state.

In the case of the convicted child rapist. It is relevant in my view pal. Was he part of a right wing nutjob crowd, was he a BLM activist or was he a looter?

He wasnt a good person anyway. In fact judging by his 10 year conviction for paedophilia - he was an evil bastard regardless.

He was the first instigator of the attempt to kill the young lad. Look the young lad was an idiot to be there with a rifle, but there was zero evidence he started any trouble or threatened anyone. There were hundreds there with guns, protestors and anti-protestors, a complete shitshow. Several people testified that the child rapist made verbal threats to kill Rittenhouse and was the first one to chase him. There were shots fired in the first chase before Rittenhouse fired. The second lad he shot had chased him down and hit him over the head with a skateboard while another lad was kicking him in the head. The third lad he wounded was pointing a gun at him and admitted it on the stand.

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And just wait until you see how Ahmed Arbery is vilified to justify his murder.

Look at the way the defence in that case has gone full racist.

“No black pastors”, eh?

If the McMichaels are acquitted, they will become the same cause celebres for racist across America and elsewhere that Rittenhouse has become.

It has zero relevance. Zero.

It is standard white right wing bait and switch.

White right wing America now classes Kyle Rittenhouse as a hero.

A cold blooded murderer as a hero.

Tucker Carlson had a film crew following him.

This is glorification of a white supremacist racist murderer by a white supremacist racist Goebbels.