American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

You are completely insane and a liar. Before the trial nobody had heard the testimony of witnesses nor seen the full video footage. The evidence clearly shows it was self defense, I was wrong in my initial assessment.

ā€œBlack people, leftists and allied people of other colorsā€ :rofl:

What a fucking loon.


Itā€™s an honour that you class me as ā€œinsane and a liarā€.

Rittenhouse is a murderer, as you admitted at the time.

The killers of Ahmed Arbery will be convicted and sentenced to life.

Iā€™d agree Rittenhouse was completely wrong. He should not have been there especially with a AR-15. That is absolutely mental.

The sick child rapist getting clipped is no harm though.

Why canā€™t you answer this post @Cheasty ?

And the only reason they could be convicted is because they are murderers.

They only reason you wrote the above post is because they are murderers.

Youā€™re backtracking again.

Judging the case before it has finished.

They are murderers, of course.

The leftists are trying to destroy the country, basically a burn it all down mob. Sid would burn down Galway if he could, but luckily heā€™s on his own.

The computer/jury says no

Leftists want justice.

Leftists want an end to white supremacy.

Leftists want accountability.

You want none of those things.

You think those things are ā€œinsaneā€.

The only way anybody can think those demands are insane is because they are a white supremacist.

Extreme left and the extreme right are as bad and dangerous as each other, mate.

You need to calm down.

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I answer relevant questions. Not pathetic attempts to derail discussion onto irrelevant right wing talking points.

The right wing ā€œtalking pointā€ you want to discuss is designed to justify the murder of random people who try to disarm a live and present threat with an AR-15 in his hands.

All rational thought is binned in favour of fervour and ranting

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No, Iā€™ve followed the trial, like the Rittenhouse trial, and can apply critical thinking based on the evidence.

The full evidence in the Rittenhouse trial demonstrated he was not the aggressor and acted in self defense. He should not have been on the streets with a rifle, but thatā€™s not a justification for giving up his life to scumbags who tried to kill him.

Based on the evidence. there is no justification for the Armery killers. There they were the aggressors, and yes it was a racist killing.

Carry on with the lies.

Kyle Rittenhouse went to Kenosha for no other reason than to threaten and kill people.

The verdict legitimises the mowing down of any protestor with a gun.

The implications are terrifying.

Justice was served, by a jury. You need to accept that a white man shot white people, it cannot be an example of white supremacy.

Thats very true unfortunately.

Youā€™re just trolling now.

He didnā€™t threaten anyone. All of the footage from the night showed him helping people who were injured. He was a misguided fool, but there is zero evidence he was involved with any white supremacist groups prior to the night in question.

Basically what you are saying is he should have allowed the mob kill him.

There exists no rational thought whatsoever in the entirety of the American right-wing political and media bullshit machine.

It is an utterly insane fascist movement which is intent on seizing power at any cost and like Hitlerā€™s Germany, uses a highly effective mass propaganda machine to poison minds by the tens of millions.

And there are numerous posters here which are fully on board with that.

Iā€™m not justifying anything. I was just trying to identify if the convicted paedophile was a looter, a right wing nutjob or a BLM activist.

Iā€™l leave it at that.

And that thinking completely shades your entire approach to anything to do with the US.

You simply canā€™t approach with a rational mind