American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

Justice was not served. Justice and US law are two entirely separate things.

Go back and read the thread I linked to.

White people who ally with black empowerment movements have always been the target of white supremacists.

To think otherwise is an prima facie example of white supremacist ideology.

I donā€™t think he was an activist of any kind, apparently it was the first and last protest he attended.

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You are justifying it.

I 100% agree with that.

2 word edit just*

Go away.

Incidentally, I presume you and the other anti-vaccine crackpots will justify the shooting of two people in Rotterdam last night during the anti-lockdown riot.

Or perhaps not.

Some double standards out there.

Thatā€™s fine. @labane confirmed, I was just curious.

This is a really bad optic, even for you. If Rittenhouse were black you would argue it was self defense.

The jury reached the correct decision, under US law. Even CNN accept this.

Didnā€™t hear about that at all, mate.

I would urge anyone on the freedom of bodily autonomy side to desist from such bullshit.

There is no point in protesting at this stage.

The big debate now is the booster shots. Lets not derail this thread with that muck though.

US law is not justice.

Republicans have reacted to this by telling their followers to be ā€œarmed and dangerousā€.

Time for blacks and leftists to arm themselves.

When they did that in California in 1967 we saw what Ronald Reagan thought of it.

The most draconian gun laws in the US were introduced quicksmart.

Time for blacks, leftists and other sensible people who believe in justice to get ā€œarmed and dangerousā€.

Itā€™s the only language white supremacists understand.

Thereā€™s no debate , 95% of the country will be getting boostersā€¦ Thatā€™s a landslide victory.

Was this white supremacist vaccinated?

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Howā€™s Brady these days?

Flying it ā€¦ not getting as much exercise as he probably should with the new arrival and all that. But heā€™s a good boy.


Calling for civil way now, what an absolute headcase you are.

Get those boosters into you kid.

By doing so , youā€™ll hopefully protect the awkward squad sure. :grinning:

My thinking about what is happening in the US is the only rational thinking.

Anybody with a cursory knowledge of US history and world history can see what is happening.

There are no ā€œboth sidesā€ here.

The demands of one side are entirely reasonable and rational, and anybody with a shred of justice and moral fibre inside them can see that.

The demands of the other side, the fascist side, are insane.

They are intent on war and on tyranny.

At least 50% wonā€™t get a booster pal.

Iā€™d a headache tonight and I took two panadol ā€¦ Big Pharma have full control of me.

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Iā€™ll never say I told you so!

@Thomas_Brady is right re Ireland.

95% id say will give or take.

I have not called for civil war. There is only one side intent on war, and we all know which side that is.

I have called for blacks, leftists, and other sensible people to start asserting their rights within the same ā€œlawsā€ that white supremacists use.

You cannot face down a clear and present fascist threat by being nice.

Fascism is not there to debate. It is there to destroy.

And for the last six years you have cheerled it on.