American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

MSNBC is not the real world mate. Come over and spend a bit of time here, you’ll find that the great majority of people are reasonable and rational. Most of the hate is coming from left wing media, but literally nobody watches it.

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Goodnight lads, have to go to the pub @Thomas_Brady.

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You are not a demonstration of a reasonable and rational person. You are a demonstration of a headcase.

The Republican party is a fascist movement. Much of America and most of the world can see that quite clearly, thank you.

Err no it didn’t.
It managed to create reasonable doubt for the jury on a charge of murder. Just like OJ.
Why do you make things up all the time?

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So you could reasonably infer the same of grosenkreutz who also had a firearm

You don’t understand US law and specifically Wisconsin law, stop embarrassing yourself. There is no comparison to OJ, OJ did not argue self defense, he argued he was not there.

Under Wisconsin law, similar to many other states, once a defendant claims self defense, it is up to the prosecutor to prove beyond reasonable doubt that he did not act in self defense. The prosecution were unable to do that as the footage and testimony clearly demonstrated that the aggressors were those attacking / chasing him. Did you watch the relevant segments of the trial? You didn’t.

You can argue that the law is an ass, but that’s a different discussion.

Pity he didn’t use it on Rittenhouse.

He tried to,now he has no bicep


White is right

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You’ve a made up family and you’re a danger to society. Not sure that’s the post you think it is you sick bastard.

You still planning on fighting @Thomas_Brady?

Anytime he fancies it. I’m sure you’ll have buried a few bodies out the back yard in between the time he replies you sick little cunt

Would you often meeting fellas off the internet to wrestle with?

What’s the wife’s name pal?

Hes only ever referred to her as Princess, but I’m not sure it’s any of your business. Now are you going to answer the question?

Your wife’s name? You’ve a wife and kids don’t you? I know it all materialized mid Graham Dwyer trial but shirley you can keep your story straight?

Are you actually asking a stranger on the internet to tell you his wife’s name?

I’m asking a fantasist to tell me about his pretend life

Would you ask many men on the internet their wives names?

Do you have a wife pal?