American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

You’ve previously exposed @flattythehurdler as a bullshitter and ran him off the forum for several weeks. Clearly you must be a right wing dickhead.

I have neither called Rittenhouse a hero or said the other two deserved to die, so try and debate with what people have said rather than what you wish they have said.

The criminal history of the lads who were shot is relevant as it speaks to the kind of individuals they were. A violent criminal is more likely to commit violence than a homeless volunteer. For some reason those on the left and in particular champagne socialists like @flattythehurdler @Rocko and @Bandage always find themselves on the side of violent criminals.

Also try and learn the facts of the case, they are easily available. He didn’t cross state lines with a rifle, he procured the rifle from a friend in Kenosha. I agree wholeheartedly he had no business being on the street with a rifle, nor did anyone who was armed that night. He wasn’t charged with having a rifle, he was charged with intentional homicide. The evidence supported his plea that he acted in self defense. Everyone rational who is familiar with the evidence accepts this, even CNN who helped create the narrative that he was a racist who went to Kenosha to shoot black people.

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Kind of ironic you telling me to debate what was said considering I didn’t
A) say that you called Rittenhouse a hero. I did say people keep referring to the deceased as a hero, which no one has done so other than you.
B) other people have very clearly outlined they are happy the deceased was killed

The history of the deceased has nothing at all to do with it. He wasn’t killed because he was a racist. You have mentioned this at least ten times now as some sort of justification for his death.

I’ll correct my point about having the rifle when he crossed state lines, which makes absolutely no difference whatsoever. He left to go cause hassle. If he had decent intention he wouldn’t have been parading around with a gun like that. Again, to say a guy walking around with a gun like that is self defense and not provocative is just semantics that they can hide behind. It’s bollix what happened that you can just go out with guns and kill someone. And same would have been had he been killed. People saying its not understanding America and its culture, but maybe most right thinking people would think that culture is just wrong


That’s it in a nutshell. Anyone who thinks that was a good situation or a good outcome has a screw loose or has been completely indoctrinated. Where most of the rest of the western world gasps at the absurdity of the violence, you have buffoons on here trying to defend it because it suits a political opinion that they’re too blind to question. So they start screaming “socialism” at anyone who might venture the thought an assault rifle wasn’t maybe to de-escalate the situation.


You clearly haven’t followed the case nor the media reporting of the case. The narrative that was created by most of the media was that the three individuals shot by Rittenhouse were the good guys, chasing down a dangerous armed individual. Calling them heroes was obviously satire on my part, you should be used to satire on this site.

There are no good guys in this story, and yes I fully agree laws that allow people walk around in public with guns are wrong. But the case was based on whether he was justified in shooting people because they presented an imminent threat to his life. The state’s role was to prove that he did not act in self defense, they failed to convince the jury. Mainly because their own evidence showed he acted in self defense. It’s as simple as that.

Chris Cuomo and Don Lemon on CNN agreed it was the just outcome. I suppose they must be indoctrinated right wing fascists.

You were a cheerleader for the “peaceful” protests last year which resulted in the deaths of at least 20 people and hundreds injured, so save us your moral outrage. You are perfectly fine with violence as long as it is done by the side you support. A bit like politicians who call for getting rid of the police and then call 911 when the mob turns up at their own door.

7 cum swallowers liking that cum swallowing post :worried:

You’re obsessed with CNN. Quick helper for you - nobody gives a shit what CNN said or didn’t say.

I’m a cheerleader for nothing - and certainly not for the state of race relations in the US or the gun laws that facilitate violence. Nobody in their right mind could be happy about what happened in the US or that Rittenhouse got away with his violent actions. But then I guess not everyone is of their right mind so we’ll get some regurgitated diatribe response that isn’t anything to do with anything anyone has said but will reference socialism, CNN and morality. Save yourself the trouble, Take your opinion as read (and scorned).


But that is clearly incorrect as the opinions voiced on these pages by several posters (not you) are clearly based on reporting from US media, and CNN is the most common outlet people in Ireland watch, or their coverage is carried by Irish outlets.

Where do you think posters got their opinions that Rittenhouse had no business being in Kenosha (he worked there), that he crossed state lines with a weapon (he didn’t), that he was a white supremacist racist (no evidence whatsoever of this)? This is the narrative that most US media ran with.

I will continue to post my opinions on here, even though it clearly annoys you as you are intolerant of anything but woke opinion, and label anyone who disagrees with you as a racist. If you don’t want opinions that offend you, then ban me.

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Given how Rittenhouse and George Zimmerman got away scot free it’s genuinely surprising that this cunt actually got convicted.

Because when you boil it down there’s fuck all difference in what he did compared to Rittenhouse and Zimmerman. He just used a different weapon, a car driven at high speed.

US law now requires that you prove that such a murderer did not feel their life was under threat. How can you prove that? It’s an impossible bar and legitimises delusion, fantasy and paranoid bloodlust.

Would Fields get convicted now? Probably not, you’d have to say.

TFK at it’s very finest.

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An SUV has ploughed through a Christmas parade in a place called Waukesha, Wisconsin, which is Milwaukee basically.

Certainly looks like a heinous crime and a terrorist attack to me but unfortunately Wisconsin law classes it as self defence if the driver thought the apparently elderly people he (I’m presuming here, sorry if anybody is offended) mowed down were a threat to his life.

I don’t think Wisconsin has one of these Republican laws which makes it legal to run over protestors but it’s easy to see where he may have got the idea.

Careful, certain opinions allowed only.

@Gman if you’ve evidence he went there with intent to shoot people where did you get it? Some fools opinion on twitter? It doesn’t exist.

I’ve asked it twice but the morons have scurried, no harm send them scurrying again. When a gun was pointed at him, what should Rittenhouse have done?

Rittenhouse was a fantasist, a cosplayer going around a town as if he was Rambo. Instead of that he should have just gone online where he’d find lots of cosplayers, for example ones who once thought they were IRA freedom fighters, snigger, and now cosplay as climate activists, not out of any real concern, just to look superior and get some online adoration. I could even recommend a website where he’d find such types.

What should the victims have done? You appear to be saying they should have shot Rittenhouse dead given we know he was a live and present threat to life.

You said he was a hero.

You don’t get it mate. Kyle Rittenhouse was a lifeguard so a danger to society.

His victim, the child rapist, is the good guy.

Leftist logic, you see.

This is appalling. God help those poor people.

And yet it is legal.


“Lifeguards should be allowed to murder with impunity. They’re lifeguards! Nobody who is a lifeguard could be a bad person?! Harold Shipman was a doctor! How could he have been a bad person?!”

Maybe the driver of SUV in the above terrorist incident was a lifeguard?

As always with left morons, they can’t debate what happened so shriek about other things. Failing that, the real cowards just shut down debates they can’t handle. Watch this space.

“You can’t debate! Also I refuse to debate you because I can’t stop making a racist fool of myself!”

I just made a few burritos there for lunch. I would like to apologize to the forum for my white supremacy and racism.