World Fascism (and other totalitarian ideologies) Thread

Jews could have converted to Christianity? Is that what you’re saying?

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Another pretty stupid comparison

Michael Jackson had a choice to remain black too.

Not really. People get all excited because they can state there’s no comparison between v passports and the holocaust. But the holocaust didn’t start with the holocaust, it started much earlier with countless pointless irrational gestures, measures, acts of segregation etc. Yellow stars were around for a thousand years before the nazis adopted them.
Your point is that you wouldn’t discriminate against a group in society if only they chose to be just like you- if they shared your beliefs etc. It’s mundane and bizarre, and dangerous.


You’re comparing being anti vaxx to being Jewish

Youre the forums Kyle Rittenhouse, a misunderstood hero protecting us from weird left scum

No, I’m making a general point about discrimination, prejudice and the weird logic that you appear to be following

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I’m just a guy, trying to get by

People are always discriminated against based on decisions they make. There are prisons for a reason

Least surprising development of the day that this ignoramus considers a white supremacist murderer to be a hero.

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Yes…to punish criminals and prevent reoffending…unless you’re talking about totalitarian states etc where prisons are used to crush opposition, silence journalists etc,. But I suppose that is what you’re talking about.
What we’re you saying about silly comparisons?

How about job interviews? Are people discriminated there?

No, there are generally employment laws to prevent discrimination.
Anyway…silly comparisons…you were about to say something

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So they don’t discriminate based on decisions made by the candidate (qualifications gained, etc.)?

Ffs. Dig up.

So we’ve clarified that people get discriminated against based on their own decisions all the time. Happy to clear that up

The Cult of Covid can see no wrong in its actions.

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Yeah, you’ve clarificationed it perfectly

Do you not watch MSNBC? Kyle Rittenhouse drove 500 miles to Kenosha with a gun and shot three black men.

STatE liNEs