American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

I knew you’d say that.

But yet you say Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is white.

How does that work?

Seems more than a bit double standardish and a bit racist to me.

Very good.

Listening to jazz definitely means you’re a Not A Racist.

I hope he gets the chair.

Cheastys’ Heroes

Maybe they’ll give him the vaccine seeing as Republicans believe that’s a lethal injection?

You are a very, very strange person, a chara!

It’s too complicated for you to understand, given you know nothing of the US.

White Hispanics are the majority of Hispanics in the US, they are referenced as white in the census because they are of European extraction. But they are also ethnic minorities, and regarded as people of color. In reality almost all Hispanics are mixed race, European and Native American.

It’s not something people worry about here, most people are mixed race.

It isn’t complicated at all.

If you class Zimmerman as a person of colour while you class Ocasio-Cortez as a white person everybody can see what you’re doing.

You’re classifying people based on bad faith political motivation. You’re classifying people based on whatever is convenient for your crazy right-wing political standpoint.

Not on what they are.

And that isn’t good. It isn’t good at all.

Wisconsin has not had the death penalty since 1853.

No, they are both white and people of color, I just explained it to you. Zimmerman and AOC are both white and POC.

How is a party that claims to be “pro-life” so ravenous to execute people?

Almost like they’re shamelessly bad faith in everything they say.

Anyway, I have to go. Watch a bit of CNN or MSNBC tonight and see if they post a picture of the suspect or mention his race.

Oh FFS. Just stop trying to tie yourself in knots. :grinning:

Why would they? How is it relevant?

But what does sort of seem relevant to me is that Republicans have been legalising the right to run over people marching on the street.

I can’t answer that mate. I was just associating @Thomas_Brady with the excitable pervert in The Green Mile

I always thought this was a forum for excitable perverts.

All three defendants found guilty of murdering Ahmaud Arbery.
Once again, the correct decision.

American justice system: :clap: :clap:


Americans are barmy

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