American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

That guy is clearly an alt right fascist white supremacist mate.

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Every correct verdict in the US, especially when it’s against a white supremacist or a Trump loving gun nut/s, is reached in spite of the system, not because of it.

The truth is that because of the misconduct of the first two federal prosecutors assigned to the case - who were close to the McMichaels, the case would likely have been dropped.

If it hadn’t been for the stupidity of Bryan in videoing the whole thing - and that video only emerged in May - it’s likely there wouldn’t have even been a case.

But the Rittenhouse case shows that even with video, justice will often not be done.

Arbery was wrongly vilified as a criminal by right-wing America. And by the defence. And by the prosecutors which were initially assigned to his case.

The defence case in the trial went full racist, telling Al Sharpton to get out of the gallery, telling him “no black pastors”. The defence, through going shameless full racist, tried (and failed) to incite violence by black people outside the court and provoke a mistrial. On the basis that black people have to behave in a “dignified” manner to have even a smidgen of a chance of justice.

And some morons have the cheek the say the system works. The correct verdict in this case was arrived at through sheer damn luck against the odds.

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The correct decision was reached in the Rittenhouse trial, as the deranged child rapist who threatened murder and aggressively chased him (as shown on video) was the aggressor, as were the mob who chased him and tried to kill him (as seen on video). His right to defend himself was validated by a unanimous jury decision.

The correct decision was arrived at today because the three defendants were the aggressors and there was no justification for pursuing Arbery and no case for self defense.

It’s really a simple as that, as any rational person with common sense would accept.


3 posts were split to a new topic: The right wing loons discussing chesty thread

Thank god for the jury system. Imagine if adhering to politically correct narratives decided guilt or innocence.

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No doubt juries get cases wrong, but like democracy and capitalism for all their flaws, better than all the alternatives.

" I would rather see ten guilty men walk free than one innocent convicted" or something to that effect


No perfect system exists in anything. Bar the decision to leave Padraic Joyce isolated in 2001


Did she actually say that about him? Dirty toenails etc?

As Steve Davis nearly said, you heard it there in black and white.

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I didn’t listen to it cos I’m out and about. Fuck me.

And lads here think they’re suffering hardship because they have to leave the pub by midnight…


School shooting in Michigan - 3 dead - 15 year old arrested

The video of this is out there…it’s insane.

But hey, it’s the best system, it’s freedom, glorious freedom.

Officer has been fired.
The video :open_mouth: whooooo smokey, are the union going to have a hard time with this.
There are twitter rumours and subsequent attempted debunkings that the lad in a wheelchair had a knife in his hand.
Maybe not such a hard time after all.

No excuse for it, he had plenty options to deescalate.

Surprised this hasn’t been raised but it appears justice has been served in Georgia. Interesting the judge referenced the cellphone footage in handing down the sentences. Makes you wonder what would’ve happened without this evidence.

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Looked like there was fuck all happening with the case by local authorities initially. Fucked up over there.

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You know exactly what would have happened without video evidence.

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