American Mass Shootings / Stabbings / Car Crashes/bridge collapses

I don’t think there’s many bridges in the World that could survive being rammed by a container ship. It was a wide span bridge so that ships could enter the bay, no way to put more struts underneath really.

Apparently it will block all access to the port and cut it off. As well as obviously destroying the major road that was there.

Add the civilian casulties and the fact that it is some major fuck up to have. You wonder was it deliberate


In fairness jenga is above my level of understanding of construction but I didn’t think the whole thing would go like that.

Ya I’d figure it’s deliberate but we won’t know for a while.

Them bridges were probably built in the 50s and would hardly have been built to take hits of a ship that big.That and possibly lack of maintenance.There will be some blame game starting in the morning

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Ziggy will get the blame at the end if the day.
He always does….


Or Frank,or the union’s.

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Ironic this happened on Infrastructure Tuesday

Infrastructure is woke madness mate, focus on the REAL issues like trans people playing darts.

Fellas see one bridge fall after a massive ship collided into it and write off all of America’s infrastructure as a result


I was thinking the same :smiley:

I don’t know what fellas think would happen if a container ship hit the newly constructed Kennedy bridge below in the South East, it would deflect it with its forcefields or something I suppose


There’s nothing like the force of water. Especially moving with the current. Something would have to give and the boat would be made of stronger stuff.

To be fair I’ve seen stronger pillars and it looks like a narrow enough opening. Having played a simulation of driving a ship through the Suez Canal I know from experience that it’s very difficult to be a ship driver so none of this is surprising to me.

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On the plus side it’s a bumper day for the Francis Scott Key Awareness Society.

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It could have been me. I went over a bridge on a bus in Baltimore a year and a half ago. On inspection of the maps I suspect it was a different bridge.


Reminded me.of the minneapolis bridge that simply collapsed in the middle.of the day

A lucky escape

Someone should start a ‘it could have been me…’ thread

I breathed a sigh of relief

There was a shortage of quality materials post world war 2-anyone going over a bridge built in the 50’s wants their head examined.

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