An Dún v Corcaigh - All-Ireland Football Final 2010

Loss of form and a slight injury. Disappointed for him. Still, another top sub to bring in. Wasn’t he an All-Star last year?

Would have thought he’d get the Marty Clarke job. Still, he could actually be playing from the start, if Canty isn’t.

Colm O’ Neill decision is the right one i think, and in general its the right team. O’ Neill would put the fear of God into a back after 50-60 minutes of an All-Ireland.

Shields on Marty Clarke Kev? Carey on John Clarke in that case?

I’d be quite happy enough from a Down point of view with that team. No Miskella and Sheehan at 10 instead of full forward. Sheehan and Paddy Kelly have crucial roles to play - the Down wing backs in Rooney and Garvey is where they are weakest for me. Cork’s fulll forward line doesn’t look set up to attack Down in the air where Sheehan would have posed a threat. I think the Canty move may backfire badly, I can’t see him having anything other than a torrid time against a ligtning quick forward line.

Pretty pointless going on like this Sid, I doubt they’ll line up like that.

Miskella not starting is shocking really.

I suggest we suspend all discussion until the match is over. :rolleyes:

Sid, not just saying this to big up Cork, but i’m very happy with the set up. Sheehan is a half forward or a midfielder. He never ever played in the full forward line till this year, at any level. He wasn’t a target man either when in there, Cork more or less played a 2 man FF line when he was picked 14. I think Donnacha is cuter with his movement, and could really cause Gordan trouble in that respect. So i’m not sure why you think Cork are making a mistake there, hitting long ball in on top on Dan Gordan would be silly.

Your right about the half forwards. And while McKiernan has been very good going forward, i think O’ Neill of Kildare caused him plenty of problems too, and think he is covering up for a slight lack of defensive nous. The 2 wings really have the beating of their men, take them take them take them on, has to be the motto.

Canty, well i tend to agree its a big risk. It appears they would be happy enough with 35 minutes, and Miskella will be on whenever anyway. I don’t think he’s the same loss he would have been 2 years ago, or the same loss Shefflin is to KK.

Kerrigan in the corner is a concern though, he was superb on the wing dragging us back into the Dublin game, and was the catalyst for mkuch of the come back.

Maybe its the Cork in me, but i’m getting more confident as we get closer, which is natural, but i have believed Cork will win from the end of the Down semi final, so its not just excitement thats making think this.

Cork by 4-7.

What a completely over-the-top reply. :huh:

has this been brought up yet

Anyone any idea how it panned out for a finish, presume it was settled out of court?

What a fucking cheap dickhead Kimmage is for that article. Full of innuendo and he said that, he said this bull shit.

I don’t know anymore about that case from reading his article, woeful load of shite, and in bad taste.

would say Kevin Kimmage is an alright sort myself. Not sure where he is these days.

Not sure what innuendo you are on about. McCartan was charged with assault for breaking some young lads jaw. That is a fact not bullshit - Kimmage reported it as such and you reckon it is in bad taste … :rolleyes: . I presume the matter was settled out of court as I never really heard afterwards how it played out. There was another young Westmeath lad who got an awful bad doing around the same time in a challenge game aswell. Pretty sickening how the Down GAA bigwigs defended their man to the hilt with the typical nordie martyrdom. McCartan should have been fucked out of the GAA for life yet he probably maintained his jobs in Queens

i never realised the down manager was a thug -cant beleive mccartan is the poster boy for the gga now- hope cork win now

on a side note- there were 1500 down fans at a hampionship game this summer- croke park will be filled with part time fans on sunday

yes he was guilty of an assault that left a young lad with sickening injuries.

irish people only like sports when the team is doing well. event junkies pretty much

at least the down followers will be spending plenty of their sterling in dublin at the weekend. should be a good load of women going down over the weekend

Settled out of court alright, a damn nasty fucking thing it was to do also, regardless of the treatment that was being dealt out. Serious blot on wee James’s copybook, not sure there’s any point in resurrecting it this week mind you.

If Down manage to win this if Canty goes off injured will there be an asterix beside their name?

Dunno, there could be an asterisk there though. Cork deserve an asterisk if they manage to win it with Derek Kavanagh inside the white line.

Ya, for a special achievement.

*How cork ever won this All-Ireland with Derek Kavangh on the squad we don’t know, its almost worth 2, so we’re going to give them back the 1988 title for poor refereeing.

Mccartan hit a buck from westmeath, kenny something.

Something made of it due to who he wad, I know another fella who got his jaw broken playing for westmeath against vacancy, nothing done about it.

I wouldn’t call it a blot on his copy book, he was too old to be playing senior intercounty and struck out at a young fella, it happens.

Ya, obviously not good for yer man who got hit, and it was wrong, but it happens. Sometimes belts just make contact in the wrong way and fuck a guy up. Bringing it up now is stupid.

Startling fact that just hit me reading Da Paper this morning, this is Eoin Cadogans starting debut!!!

Shouldn’t matter much of course with his other experience, but still its surprising.

Don’t know how they’ll work that one. Doubt Canty would be known as one of the greatest footballers ever though so that’s probably a moot point.
Wouldn’t have much interest in it now mind to know much about it though tbh

Fair point PM, he wouldn’t exactly come close on the scale of footballers to where Henry is on the scale of hurlers. No asterisk so. As for McCartan, I admired him as a footballer as much as the next man and he may have been getting a bit of grief in that game but it doesn’t excuse making shite of a lads jaw and putting him out of gainful employment for weeks. Too much acceptance of that sort of shite in GAA.

Gainful employment? He’s a cop. Strange he didn’t bring a criminal case, just a civil one.