An Irish Wealth Tax

Ye have a more pressing issue at the moment. Ye need to stop yere cows farting.

As I used to day to the auld lad people born between 1955 and 1970 are the most selfish generation this country ever had.

This thread could get very dirty very quickly.

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If he started that graph in 2006 he’d prob get a very different answer.

If he started it in 1970 there’d be fellas curled up in the fetal position

He has a point about their generation expecting less from life than us though.

Sure the lads born in the early 1900s and fought wars etc etc etc probably said the likes of Fagan were pure softcocks in the same way.
The fellas before them lived through the famine and no doubt said young fellas today are useless about the following generations. They’ve been saying young fellas today are gone soft for as long as there’s been young people


Jaysus I dunno. A lot of today’s yoot would prefer family members die than have the pubs close early.

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It’s all relative up to the late 90s. After that all hell broke loose.

Young people just need to free up some houses

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Fellas our age fall all over ourselves to say how little we had and how simple life was growing up and in most cases it was relatively true. What will modern kids say when theyre adults? Almost every single one of the little cunts has every material thing they want and our entire lives are based around keeping them entertained from morning to night. Suppose they’ll play the poor us card over covid.


Sure ye had running water etc etc. The crowd before ye had nothing.

We’ll be saying when we grew up all we had were Nokia phones, and snake, and we had to drive the cars ourselves and there was none of this Virtual reality craic. and young fellas today don’t know how good they have it with their electric sex pants

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They won’t have experienced the “lag” , hopefully.

It was ever thus.

I’m watching back to the future at the moment with one of the kids. On number 2 now. What 30 year period did life change most I wonder? 1985 America wasn’t too different to modern day Ireland. But 1955 seemed a world away. Obviously 2015 in BTTF was a touch too advanced.

I lived through Covid man.

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I think humanity peaked around 2007. It was all downhill from there.

I’m afraid the answer to this is the next 30 years. AI is going to completely change everything


You’re living in it atm. Technology has moved on in lighht years since the mid to late 90s. I was born in 1970. Between 1970 and 1990, we moved to a very and from the cassette to the cd. That’s 20 years. The fo,lowing 20 years saw everything from mobile phones to the imternet and people had access to information at the touch of a button.