Annoying Office Jargon - Part III

A slide presentation. A power point.

I calibrated the management team today.

Calibration is a fantastic way to do performance assessments. Obviously only a thing for ballsy guys.

We crave a performance driven culture. Sorting the sheep from the goats. Thank God I am not in the public service.

What do you mean?

FAO of @TheUlteriorMotive: I’ve a meeting at 11.30am and I vow to use the term “game changer” in it. A question for you. Is it game changer or gamechanger?


If you say it nobody will notice

Gamechanger is the fact. It is a gamechanger.

Game changer is the person. He is a game changer.


Anybody been engaging in any ‘blue sky thinking’ recently?


They will if he ends his spake with it, drops pen on table, leans back in chair and clasps hands behind his head (while carefully checking pits are dry first)


Client centricity

Not quite jargon, but I hate when a certain run-of-the-mill phrase catches on and becomes bludgeoned to death. “Seeing the wood from the trees” has been pounding my ears for a fortnight and was preceeded by “prevention is better than cure”. Fuck off sheeple.

What about bad language in the workplace.
I had a smoke this morning with a female colleague and by God did she curse.
She’s the only female in an office of about 22 men so I’m wondering if that’s a factor.
The thing is though she’s a kind of inspector grade in my job, which is a few grades above me. I was a bit put out by her coarseness tbh, I wouldn’t be happy to use her kind of language in a professional setting.
Do you lads experience it much.

I as in a meeting not so long ago and one of the opposition used the word cunt (he was talking about solicitors, but still!). I presumed it was one of you cunts.

This woman used the same word this morning.
Now it was outside while we enjoyed a smoke together and she said about a retired company member that “he’s a bit of a dull cunt”.
I was a bit shocked to be honest.

A dull cunt could be anyone on here.

i just flipped the term “grease the wheels” into an email w.r.t. looking for a “help needed” to get a pilot white paper approved thru the Process Change Control Board ( PCCB) forum that convenes weekly at 0900 PST

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The difference in the spelling I meant

Using gamechanger or game changer in meetings is itself a gamechanger.

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all the time, mate.

Had anyone left the company or the team in the relevant period to make it easier?

No, unfortunately. I assess them all objectively. I don’t look for handy shortcuts by counting all leavers as low performers.

“This issue is becoming a running sewer but we can’t allow it to poison relationships.” - Yours Truly, Today, 10.35am.