Annoying Office Jargon - Part III

Anybody ever throw some CB slang into the mix in an office situation

Describe a crisis as a 10-33

See how long it takes to catch on

Drinking from the firehose

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You must work with some shower of wannabe American cunts mate.

:laughing: brilliant!

I’ve thrown a few ‘Rickyisms’ from Trailer Park Boys into team meetings. “It’s not rocket appliances”, “it’s a catch 23 situation”, “burn the hatchet at both ends”, and my personal fave “denial and error”.

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Or actual Americans


Even worse, fucking horrible shower of people, don’t like to generalise but their loudness, arrogance and social stupidity would drive you mad.

I personally hate the Irish - they’re half travellers / half alcoholics / half IRA sympathisers.

Yanks are salt of the earth. They make great movies and have some fantastic inventors - I mean Voyager 1 ffs. Outstanding :clap:


Cascade is ridiculous and unneccessary. @TheUlteriorMotive is bang on here


I’m still laughing at “drinking from the firehose”.

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“Are we asking the exam question?”

Fuck off you cunt


‘Let’s find something that’s in their wheel house’


That’s an oldie Mac.

Wikipedia states “Wheelhouses are the small enclosed parts of a bridge which historically held the ship’s steering wheel.” So “in someone’s wheelhouse” refers to something being within one’s areas of competency, like command of a ship is within a ship captain’s abilities.

What’s wrong with that?

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Was in a meeting yesterday and they used the term “lazy dullard” in regards to wtf


COTY nomination?

Someone “spoke to the A3 sheet” at a meeting yesterday. It still makes zero sense on any level. The world’s fucked.

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Cascade places a responsibility on you to ensure your minions understand the content. Not just to ensure they get it

It appears you may be an example of the Peter principle if you didn’t grasp that. Hard luck. Make sure and negotiate a decent handshake when the day comes


Does anyone here really truly believe in LEAN Six Sigma wankology??? Practitioners of same the main culprits for introduction of this jargon IMO. Snake oil salesmen

Contemplating a career change and have been advised by several people this qualification would be a great addition to my CV

Your laxative lingo is a man in a career 10-33

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If you want to sit around and talk shite about a project that will take six months to run and save 0.44 FTEs, go for it.

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Informative rating. Suspected it was wank.