Annoying Office Jargon - Part III

‘Boil the ocean’ came up in a meeting today.
The chair was ‘agnostic’ about the approach to the problem as long as it got resolved.


What’s boil the ocean involve? Similar to a scorched earth policy?

Trying to do too much at once.

Don’t try to boil the ocean.

“Solve world hunger”

I use “touch cloth” instead of “touch base” in team meetings. The cringe levels I see when I get it wrong suggest they don’t know what touching cloth means.

Now the rubber hits the road

Can we have an example of that use in context please?

Not jargon per se, but I am on the brink of “death by acronym” after a phone call at work there. I could tell your man on the other end was dying for me to ask what his “we’ve got two crews coming in on the RUC from ATSG via the Pier 4 TCC” meant in English but I was having none of it so I just said “grand” and hung up


Don’t you mean PSNI :roll_eyes:

I went to meet a good pal for lunch the last day who isn’t a property lad cc @balbec you ucoam.
Anyhow, he was finishing a business meeting at the table as I arrived. They were discussing something. One lad came up with a suggestion to which my pal replied “I’m aligned with that”

Aligned is jargon 101 pal.

Dealing with this. Can he be excused as he’s from Limerick??

“Company X have come back requiring further clarity, thus grateful if you can provide an update”

and then when all information went though

“Many thanks for the attached substantiation”

My whole department uses grateful if in practically every email sent, I find it passive aggressive, a horrible use of language.

But ‘thus grateful’, that’s not proper English. English would be this chaps first language btw

I use it when I’m trying to be passive aggressive :joy:


This cunt rang me this morning again. We have an LVP lads!

A limited viable product? Like Ollie Baker in 95?


“Flex” is bugging me a lot lately

What does the term “Cobble-locked” exactly mean in relation to buying a house?

As in “The house is cobble-locked with a large driveway”.

Google gives me very little…

Not office jargon. Not even jargon.