Annoying Office Jargon - Part III

Cobblelock relates to the driveway not the house.

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You’d want to keep in touch with the right lads on here re: house purchasing.
There are many more vague terms couched in flowery jargon…

Experience on here indicates that “add-ons” may require or did require planning permissions.

Sorry, but it was either here or the snowflakes thread.

Yea, go on…

Are you trying to indicate that the black trim is the “cobblelock”?

You need a good solicitor pal

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No, the type of paving stone and the way its fit is cobblelock

Thanks! So a house surrounded by cobblelock paving is “cobble-locked”?

I’ve never heard a house described as cobble locked.

This one is a shed built on someones driveway so the cobble lock is actually the inside floor #boomisback

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“Chomp through” seems popular of late.



Context? I assume not where a river splits up at it’s mouth?

Ah here

Delta would mean the variation or difference between two data points or figures “ how do we go about closing this delta”

What’s the Delta between Delta and United?

There’s an awful glut of low grade politicians and journalists warning us not to let the perfect become the enemy of the good.
It’s indefensible.

Lot of “chomping through” going on the moment

I’ll be keeping this thread “top of mind” and will “circle back” if I have anything to add.