Annoying Office Jargon - Part III

Weather warning for small craft

A chap at a meeting today interjected to say he thought we were spending too much time down amongst the weeds.


Only way out of that is to take a helicopter view and have some blue sky thinking.

A waste of money to have high-powered executives like yourself spending time amongst the weeds

Back to the Floor day - execs love* them


Were there any tailwinds assisting your progress?

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There’s a time and a place for getting down into the rats and the mice.

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Have just come out of a call there with some Swiss colleagues. One chap says “leave this action to me and I will, as Locke would put it, ‘tip away at it’ until I come up with a solution”. This is followed by polite laughter. Obviously I am going to end the cunt…


He’s mugged you right off there.

He thinks he’s mugged me off…

Franz and Stephane having a good chuckle to themselves this past while.


I’m in Zurich next week, let me know if I need to leave a burning bag of shite on his doorstep

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Standard practice for sizing work in an agile software house. Alternatives include the using the fibonacci sequence of numbers to size work.

I’m actually attending a planning poker session shortly where we’ll guess how long it will take to do different pieces of work. I get paid for this too.


They’re on to you Locke.

Make Swiss cheese of them before they make a cuckoo out of you.


I’ll be there myself in early Dec, he’s getting taken down big style.

I’ll use my platform to Lindt them know my true thoughts…

You reckon they have him clocked?

Knifed, more like.

@Locke left on his Toblerone there…


I’m out of the game.

What are “in person events”?
Just meetings or is there more to it?