Annoying Office Jargon - Part III

I’ll still be working from couch. So all going well it shouldn’t disrupt my mojo too much

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Have you told them you can’t do Teams or Zoom meetings for 2-3:30pm each day as it impacts on your nap time?

Best of luck with the new gig

‘Sunsetting process’

From his email… ‘entering the final phases to retire(or ‘sunset’)’

He then mentions sunsetting process further on down the email. His job title is a mouthful too but could be shortened to ‘cunt’

Shaking my head for the last half hour.


I nearly spat out my afternoon decaf coffee reading that. Well done sir.

Not a new gripe to many but the scrum master beginning every Friday morning call with “Happy Friday” is really grating

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Scrum Master

cc @StoneCold


No offence meant to any Scrum Masters present here


“We don’t want to knock over the baby” was used to describe rushing a handover before all project milestones have been signed off on.

Not jargon but seems you cannot just use the word “congratulations” anymore

Has to be either
“Huge congrats” or “Massive congrats”

Yeh, LinkedIn after becoming disgusting for it the whole time

Massive congrats on your earning of Microsoft Word Level 3 Cert, John.



It was always disgusting for such shite.

Oh right. Ok

People who start business emails sent of a Monday with “Hi, I hope you had a nice weekend”. I would say that in the main these people couldn’t give a tuppeny fuck what kind of a weekend you had.


“I don’t want to get out over my skis on this.”


Understandable, Fresh after the ski holiday in January.

I’d say you’re onto something. An office jargon afficionado has a phrase or two for every season.

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I had an early morning “catch-up” with a project manager this week, we were discussing approaches to deal with a combustive but apparently key business user. The PM was of the opinion that there are “many ways to get to Rome”, he even went on to explain that one could take the autostrada, but that there are many regional road alternatives also. I countered that you would not get to Rome if the driver got out of the car and started kicking and screaming on the side of the road. This threw him a little bit and we spent the next few minutes having a jolly conversation about holidays in Italy. We then agreed to meet again next week at a time I already knew I would be unavailable. The client will be billed about €500 for this conversation.