Annoying Office Jargon - Part III

GIF by MTV-Italia

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NaP are the Fine Gael of GAA clubs

It’s really the other cunts you contact. You ask them for something.

Then they say “NO, but thanks for reaching out Hab”.

the amount of people who dont know the difference between collegiate and collegial.

People bringing the word ‘ping’ outside of the office environment should be criminal.

My brother knows Karl Marx, he met him eating mushrooms in the people’s park. He said what do you think about my manifesto? Said I like your manifesto can I put it to the testo?

A lad in another bit of the department is having the mother and father of all email related problems today. Already sent five emails to the whole department with massive caps sating PLEASE DISREGARD SENT IN ERROR. Last night he accidently sent some poor lads application, including a lot of personal information to half the civil service


We have recently sunsetted an application and there are the usual teething problems moving over. Our Indian colleagues are under serious pressure and one of them had had enough and sent a snotty email to the head of one of the departments. This head has the initials JT. This would usually infer being a cunt but his response to our Indian fried was glorious.

‘Doing well thanks! Please provide specifics on issues within ocular remit and will birddog responses on any outside ones identified’

Our Indian friend asked me what the fuck JT was saying. I didn’t have the heart to tell him the truth.



noted, useful.

verb (used without object),bird-dogged, bird-dog·ging. Informal. to follow or watch carefully. Slang. to steal or attempt to steal another person’s date.

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‘Leadership Group’ had this one thrown at me a few times. I didn’t sign up to be in any group.

If you’re not on an SLT you’re at nothing.


I think yours is just an age thing?

Go shit in your hat Berlingo Bouy

This fucker is now hounding everyone he sent all this shite to for CONFIRMATION that the previous messages have been deleted. The subject line still contains the chap’s application no, name and DOB so I suspect I may soon be required to delete the message confirming deletion of the previous mail also.


i was told by a developer that he didnt have the bandwidth to deal with something yesterday, obviously i thought it was some IT term but it actually means :grinning:
the energy or mental capacity required to deal with a situation.

I now think its the greatest work expression ever & will use it daily


That ‘could’ be a game changer.

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Thank you, old pal. I enjoyed that one so much that I used it earlier in response to a chiding from a HR/L&D sort for not having mandatory online training & compliance courses completed by the deadline. Dunno if the context was strictly right but I said if I got something important over the line this week I should have the bandwidth to catch up early next week. No acknowledgement of my response yet.


love it

To me this is textbook usage of “bandwidth”. The minute you invoke the term you are essentially telling the jargonee that you have far more important things to deal with, but if a space does open up in your schedule you may benevolently decide to attend to their trivial enquiry.


“People forget that wellbeing should be about the being”