Has “triangulate” been mentioned before?
It’s the buzz word of choice in my place these days.
Has “triangulate” been mentioned before?
It’s the buzz word of choice in my place these days.
In what context is it used?
I have no idea what it’s meant to mean but usual context here is…
A asks B for info
B gets it from C
B says to C I’ll provide that to A but I might ask them to triangulate back to you as you have the knowledge in this area.
That’s pretty horrific alright.
It should be used to indicate that multiple sources (or types of data) have been used to examine the situation in question.
A triangle has three sides and three corners. So the info is coming from three places. You’ve probably seen it mentioned in battle terms and on porn sites also.
“It’s time to eat our own dogfood”.
This motivational line was uttered, with a hint of reluctance earlier, regarding a new top of the range sales cycle management tool that Rajeesh and the gang have been kicking the can down the road on deploying for a good 6 months.
“Project XYZ will require more calories”
In keeping with the culinary theme we were told recently to ‘eat the frog first thing in the morning’ I gather it means getting the most difficult task out of the way first so you can spend the rest of the day scrolling through TFK.
Datalake/Data-lake/Data Lake
Dataswamp would be more apt