Another casualty of the recession

Has your wan from Hugo’s made a statement about it on RTE yet?


Or that Adrian Cummins mouthpiece.

Is that not literally his job?

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“The restaurant, situated by Stephen’s Green and the host of Hollywood celebrities such as Mark Wahlberg over the decades, “

Mark Wahlberg was the biggest celebrity they served?

The biggest celebrity according to that Journal hack

Mark would be a big deal tbf

I once looked at a Prada parka in there with racoon fur but it was pre smoking ban and a cigarette burn would have destroyed it such was the material.

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Must be.

How are wages relative to prices now compared to 2006?

Is he still living at home?

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You’d wonder where the cash for the lawyers is coming from.

No Money Down.

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No! Money Down.


So how does that work? No win, no fee?

If memory serves, she’s being advised by the gorse hill mob

None of them have deep pockets?

Deep enough that the bankruptcy assignee couldn’t see into them

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