Another casualty of the recession

Which makes it even worse that these humble, working class urchins were swindled out of the few pennies they had!


Up to the Model School?

Further up the road from.the Model towards ballinacurra but youre in the right neck.of the woods.

I thought I knew that area like the back of my hand

I spent a lot of time up around that way as a kid.

Ii live in that area, kids went/go to the Model, I know exactly where the barracks is, but there’s no lane up to it, I know Roden street led to the barracks back in the day, where Frank McCourt was reared, then you have Verona Villas backing onto it, those are all fancy houses around there, I thought Michael D had a very ordinary upbringing

The esplanade leads directly to a gate for the barracks. Used it many times for St Patrick’s day parade

Edit, I think it is Roden st.

I lived in the area for a few years a long time ago.

Google maps doesnt show it when you do map view but street view does

Michael D spent a good few years in a house about 3 or 4 down from the one on the right before moving to an uncles in Farronshone if i recall correctly.

@any liverpool fans. The house to the right of the lane in the shot was where Steve Finnan was born. As were many others- it was a maternity house


That’s James Collins house

Its my uncle’s house but dont think its called that


Oh sorry, you’re right, he’s a block down.
That’s a lovely house, I know that lane well, should have clicked with me, it doesn’t lead onto the barracks now obviously

Does it not? Used to.go the lane, towards edward st and there were gates into the barracks on the left halfway down.

Edit: just went down the maps. See theyve it blocked off what i was talkimg about. used to be able get out onto edward st through there, walled off now.

Used be a hairy voyage the shop going through that laneway, plenty of chases!!

I must head up on my break tomorrow & get a photo with it.


Let me know a time, ill have the uncle come.out and take the photo for you


Around 1.15pm I’ll be in my Liverpool shorts tell him.

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Ill.have him blare out Anfield Rap to guide you to the door as you come up oconnell av


The limericks love a thorough cunt…look at their very own JP…a massive cunt!

Oh thank god :face_exhaling:

I thought it was the one in Limerick. It’s only Wexford.


The Limerick one seems to be doing great business.