Another US shooting

Well no, the US might have more guns per capita but it has multiple times more school shootings

They have to do something. Lads walking in off the street buying assault weapons with minimal checks only benefit weapons manufacturers (who will hopefully all burn in hell). Once people are making healthy profits then children’s lives are an acceptable cost. The constitutional argument is just to rally the dullards.

How many different states have had similar mass shootings in the last 20-30 years?

Heard a commentator this morning say California has had the most.

You’re right up to the last sentence, it’s not just a rallying call there’s a strange and deeply emotional tie between many yanks and their guns and the belief that it keeps them safe from all sorts of danger. It’s not just clever marketing. ‘They have to do something’ isnt much help I’m afraid though well meaning. What they should do is heavily restrict semi automatic sales now, with a view to tapering that to nothing. pre screening, training, active gun club membership before you can buy them then only use allowed being at the range etc then buy back but it’s a drop in the ocean measure to be honest. Armed guards at schools unfortunately is the only short term solution.

Great speech by President Biden in the aftermath of the shooting.

He really is a good bloke.


Actually according to this law and enforcement statistics California have had as many as Texas and Florida combined. I’m surprised by that.

I googled there and I see there’s hundreds, if not thousands, of them yearly spread all over the country. Now , I don’t not what the definition of ‘mass’ they used, but still. We only hear about a fraction of them a year… But let’s not pigeon hole all of America cc @Tim_Riggins , even tho it’s happening all over America.

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I see you’re raging that I pointed out that you would sacrifice your children’s potential employment opportunities for a bit of sun.

I’m ok actually. I think my children would find employment in Spain or Ireland or anywhere they wanted should I move. Having an additional language and sun drenched good looks will get them far. I won’t be locking them into Spain for forever :smiley:


Unfortunately this terrible tragedy is perversely only going to lead to more people buying guns and arming themselves and thus perpetuating the problem. Its always thoughts and prayers but no affirmitive action. I have had some of the most frustrating debates with American people about gun ownership. Very intelligent people who can become belligerent when you challenge them. Unfortunately many Americans are very insular and dont recognise the fact that this literally doesnt happen anywhere else in the world. Limiting gun ownership or background checks will not solve the problem as they can be got through other channels with any bit of effort.


It’s amazing how that Simpsons episode where Homer gets a gun sums up the actual opinions of many Americans.


Spot on. Americans are extremely insular. Like Cork.

Surely as a starting point, powerful guns need to be taken off the table.

How can anyone justify a 18 year old legally purchasing an assault rifle?

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There will be emergency PTA meetings all across Texas today to sign off on hiring armed security guards for their school.

Now, I believe you have some sort of firearm for me.

Well, let’s see here. According to your background check, you’ve been in a mental institution…


frequent problems with alcohol…

[nervously] Yeah.

…beat up President Bush!

Former President Bush. [the owner slaps a red rubber stamper on Homer’s printout] “Potentially dangerous”?

Relax, that just limits you to three handguns or less.

Woo hoo!

I saw some gun nut on Twitter claiming that he needs his guns to protect himself from “tyrannical government”. These cunts are mental.

This is it, the answer to guns over there is invariably more guns “Bring in armed security” “Arm the teachers” rather than address the core of the issue they prefer to avoid it and if anything worsen it. Screaming like asses about rights created during revolutionary times.

Can we simply blame The Simpsons again?

I remember having this conversation with a lad from Arizona before, a sound lad otherwise but his answer for this was arming teachers. It’s impossible to have this conversation with such people because you just can’t see their point of view, it’s so mental.

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