Another US shooting

I wonder if they stopped reporting on it would maybe stop encouraging the loons to do this.

I get the feeling there’s another mad man about that is probably jealous of the shooter getting Biden to speak out and other prominent people speaking on the awful tragedy.

His Oldman was a victim of gun crime I think

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There is no addressing it, not in the short term. Armed guards is the only way to protect children.

His father was shot in a university in the Middle East (Beirut I think) in the early 80s

He was indeed.

I can think of at least four major aircrashes which were either proven to be caused or widely assumed to have been caused by suicidal pilots.

So arming teachers, a profession which can be extremely stressful at the best of times, or having armed guards at schools, who presumably would not be paid very well, doesn’t seem very reassuring.

It also seems the murderer was engaged by police before the shooting, and it now seems as if he was not wearing body armour as per this tweet.

So if actual police won’t stop such shooters, well, good luck anybody else.

Arming teachers is one of the most fucked up theories I have ever come across.


It would make no difference.

The media cannot not report the news.

Even if they did, the informational environment is such that everybody will become aware of the identity of the perpetrator.

It is not uncommon for perpetrators of mass murder by gun to become celebrated heroes online.

Why this sort of thing happens is many-layered. The rot in American society runs deep.

But there is one primary layer. That is the availability of guns and the existence of a massively wealthy lobby with immense political, media and judicial power that ensures that availability to guns only ever gets freer.

It’s a rallying call by the powers-that-be to the dullards. The idea that more guns will make you safer is a typical dullard mindset. Government need to introduce necessary legislation to protect citizens from themselves.

Paddy loved to be able to drink and drive during the 70s. Too many were being killed on the roads so more stringent laws were introduced. These laws have helped reduce fatalities. The American answer would be to tell Paddy to drink more alcohol in the hope that it would slow them down.


There are more guns in Australia now than before Port Arthur. Seems their gun control laws (and other factors) are working at avoiding things like this.

Who is the ‘they’ you refer to?

Legislatures? You may have missed it but this has been attempted for years and has failed.

Which is basically the whole problem.

The right to hold them is a constitutional amendment, from 1791, it’s not a rallying call from the gun companies.

As Steve Kerr mentioned, the vast majority of Americans support restrictions of sorts by way of background checks, saying

Is fully wrong

But that’s a far cry from prohibition or some sort of notion that all guns can just be removed with the signing of an act.

Population of Australia in 1996 was 18 million Tim, it’s hitting 26 now.
There are more guns, but they are shotguns and hinting rifles, not Glocks and AR-15’s.
It is quite difficult to buy a gun in Australia and woe betide you if you don’t follow the storage and licensing regulations. It’s not a very good comparison/ argument.
And no one has walked into an Australian school and shot lots of little kids dead either.

I know that. Just pointing out that the regulations there appear to be working. I believe it is 4 weapons for every registered owner. The regulations are working.

Sorry, misread what you said.
(I just apologised on the INTERNET. I’ll never live this down).


I occasionally wonder if one of these days Jeremy Beadle or Noel Edmonds will walk in and announce to the world that the entirety of right wing America has been one big prank.

Mitt Romney has taken over 13 million dollars.

It’s almost impossible to describe through words how fucked up this sort of opinion is.

Laura Ingraham Agrees With Guest Who Puts Onus on Parents of Murdered Schoolchildren: ‘It’s Your Responsibility’

Prisons are big business in america and it’s about damn time schools were the same.
The market will provide all solutions.

It failed because public opinion was against restrictions. That’s how senators got away with blocking. Hopefully that will change but some sort of prohibition is a long way off.

The sum total of suggestions to help on this thread amounts to absolutely nothing, thoughts and prayers aren’t much good. If a border agent hadn’t rushed in and killed this cunt, how many more might he have shot. Sadly the only way of stopping a shooter is shooting them.