Another US shooting

Rand Paul doesn’t like Davos

Fox and Boris Johnson are from the same “management” by slogan school.
Do nothing bar think of a catchy slogan of single syllables.
Two cheeks of an arse.

Abbott in the “uniform” is all very Third Reich

There’s no end to the damage done by Murdoch.

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I see the pigs, armed to the teeth and in full body armour, loitered outside the school for 40 minutes doing nothing while the gunman was on the rampage.

The absolute state of this cunt



Randy Fine. A former gambling industry executive.

Who would have thought he’d be a cunt?

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Looks like Stephen Roche


What’s wrong with putting an armed guard in schools? One teacher from each school should have fire arm training also and be a designated first responder… Like you’d have a fire or first aider in work. Makes perfect sense.

They could have a rota.

Bazooka Monday.
Hand grenade Tuesday

Bring your own gun for charity day.

Combine it jersey day and a cake sale and that’s a winner :clap:

Sports day should be held at the local rifle range.

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Can all non whites please bring good sneakers for sports day. Can all whites please bring a semi automatic for hitting moving targets.

They had an armed guard at this school.

Did he show up at any stage?

Ferris Bueller is after hitting the chipper hard over the years.

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