Another US shooting

Over 2m people incarcerated in America out of a population of 330m. Staggering statistic. Watched a programme called Louisiana Lockdown last night where the commissioner of Angola prison is Burl Cain. He is burly in name and in nature. It must be one of the grimmest prisons in the civilised world, home to over 5,000 inmates with no possibility of parole.

Texas police were more interested in protecting Greg Abbott from being confronted with the truth than protecting the lives of children.

Guns dont kill people, Mental Health does

Maybe the Yanks should arm teachers with mental health issues of their own.

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what was good about it? the same auld hand wringing he was at 2 weeks ago and the same thing nearly every President has said after every shooting for the last 30 years, hereā€™s Clinton saying the same thing 23 years ago


He called out the gun lobby straight.

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It might be somewhat believable if they made some attempt at dealing with mental health issues. If you have a mental health issue in America thereā€™s a very good chance youā€™ll end up living on the street.

Heā€™s effectively saying itā€™s a permissible trade off for a
school full of kids under 10 to be shot up as long as the gun lobby is allowed to have itā€™s way.

Had channel 4 news on earlier and the new female presenter said that gun crime is the leading cause of death for children and teenagers in the USA, higher than car crashes, cancer etc.

That is hardly true is it?

Its true

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That is a very sad and sobering statistic if so

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I was watching it. What makes it even more sickening was that Cruz was standing behind him. The same two pricks will be front and centre at the nra conference with trump at the end of the week.


To make this worse, I would not be surprised if someone connected to one of the families affected by yesterdays events took matters into their own hands when these goons get together at the end of the week.

In Europe, its cars

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Fox still hitting the ā€˜see something, say somethingā€™ line.
Anything, fucking anything but restricting gun ownership is suggested.
Ted Cruz on now banging on about how easy it is to get into schools through unlocked back doors.

Schools need 1 sole entry point manned by armed police and fences all over the place.

Beto is a disgrace apparently.

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You are not alone Beto. The whole of TFK is behind you

It wonā€™t be long before the Trumpbots will be screaming ā€œfalse flag operation to boost Oā€™Rourkeā€™s voteā€.

Word is Tucker will be insisting on assault weapon courses for Mary I students tonight

Doesnā€™t go far enough