Another US shooting

They need more guns, simple answer. Youd want your head examined not to own a gun in the US

Some of these po-lice have magnificent names. Demetrius Haley. Tadarrius Bean.

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That video is hard watching. Whatever training these cops are getting or whatever steroids or drugs they are on it’s hard to believe what you are seeing.

I’ll never see it because I can’t watch that type of stuff

There’s a barbarism in it you’d typically associate with a soldier in a war capturing and killing an enemy combatant. I think they are deliberately training their police that way. I also think these lads have to be jacked up on steroids. It’s beyond normal and maybe there can be a more sane conversation because they themselves are black so race hatred isn’t an issue here.

there can’t be sane conversation about anything anymore. there’s the far left loons and the far right loons and anything in the middle just isn’t discussed because it doesn’t sell, or doesn’t get likes or retweets or whatever


Maybe they’ll be painted as uncle Toms

Figured it was bad as they were laying the ground from early that it was awful.

America is the greatest country in the world.

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Why would police release footage of a man being beaten to death anyway, is it in the public’s interest to see that?

It would have either come out anyway, or led to worse conspiracy theories, or been released by the family. Some chief of police woman saying it’s awful but the lads were provoked. fcuk me.

Has to come out, and correctly so.

Hopefully this sets the procedure for ALL cops who murder civilians - a murder charge and life in prison. I won’t hold my breath though.

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They’re lucky it’s murder2. Be pleaded down. I cannot believe it happened. He was effectively lynched.


Where can one avail of said video?

In the old days there used to be a name for a video which showed somebody being killed, the name will come to me, but it was considered the domain of the depraved to even watch them, I couldn’t click on a video of somebody being murdered, it may come out anyway on certain sites but I don’t believe it should be normalized to watch such things
Anyway :man_shrugging:



There’s bits of it on the BBC website and on sky. They only give you the idea, but it’s worse than you can imagine. There isn’t much of the actual attack but the behaviour of the yobs in uniform is enough. It beggars belief. Like a shower of thugs coked up to the eyes after watching a bare Knuckle fight.


The protests have been mostly peaceful and no major incidents thanfully