Another US shooting

Was there an incident of a civilian up North trying to flee a British army checkpoint by driving at the soldiers? Stupid decisions lead to tragic consequences.

There were lots of incidences of innocent Catholics shot by British soldiers as they ran away, and there was certainly at least one very high profile instance of a young Catholic woman in a car being shot dead by a British solider. Murdered, I would say. Lee Clegg will always be a murderer.

Obviously youse lot think otherwise.

But sure if yis have decided that that’s the position yis want to back yerselves into, fire away, as British soldiers and American police are wont to do.

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You know things have gone wrong for for him when the yisser youse lot line gets rolled out.

Believe what yis want. I think most people would tend to believe things have gone badly wrong for people when yis are making excuses for the police murder of a heavily pregnant 21 year old black woman, using the exact same logic by which excuses for murders of Catholic civilians by British soldiers were made.

The anti-woke thing is a genuine brain rot virus and the brain rot spreads so deep it’s impossible for those consumed by it to see they’ve become an absolute caricature of the worst Unionist/Loyalist bigotry up north during the Troubles.

Seriously? She’d have been genuinely mad to get out of the car given recent and not so recent American history. I can’t believe you can even try and justify this. Young lass on her own. He could
A Have moved out of the way of her gently rolling car and called it in
B Shot her in the chest from point blank range

We are through the looking glass.

she tried to murder a police officer, she paid the price

Tfk summer holiday ?

You’re buying into the bullshit here.

Saying that they should have handled that differently, bar the driving at the cop slowly there was no indication she was any threat, and that was minor. If she put the boot down to run him over yeah well then fair enough but that didn’t happen. Nuts standing in front of tha car anyway I can’t believe that’s actually the taught approach?

@Watchyourtoes add this one to the collection

Triggered by the word “yis” :rofl:

fake news. Plants.

Fucking idiot. Just shoot the tyres.

I think every American police officer should be forced to watch a video of David Clifford’s performance in the All-Ireland final against Dublin and told to emulate it.

If that happened, nobody would ever get shot by them.

Shoot the glass.

Do you alway have to jump in with both feet before engaging your brain?

Read my post again, nowhere am I justifying it. This shooting was not justified but is exactly what will happen if you fail to comply amd try and drive off while the cops are questioning you, especially if one was standing in front of your car. It has nothing to do with race, you would get shot in the same situation.

There are thousands of interactions between cops and the public in the US every day and in many cases the cop asks the driver to step out of the car. In the vast majority of these cases nobody gets shot, in a small minority of cases eother the cop gets shot or the civilian gets shot. That’s the reality in the USA, a far more violent country than dear old blighty.


Something something…mental health…blah blah gang crime…illegal immigrants etc.

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