A thread to log the hatred and bias of lads here towards Dublin. I wont bother going back on anything. Will just start with this belter…
Well the weather doesn’t like Dublin much this morning.
A worthy starter
My first time in city centre Dublin yesterday for a long time. It’s gone very rundown looking, and an awful amount of zombies on the street. I witnessed two ladies openly cooking up crack or smack in a doorway on the quays by Temple Bar. Queues of poor auld divils waiting for free food down the road from the junkies. Lots of zonked out lads with sunken cheeks. Fellas with Bully XL type dogs wandering around. Other lads tapping money left right and centre. Lots of tourists oblivious to it all.
There are some very nice parts of Dublin city and county. The city centre ain’t it though.
I’ll never forget the forced and ultimately unsuccessful campaign among coddlers to make the term “bleedin rapid/rapeh” catch on.
Could you post that in English please
A fierce smack of neediness about this.
I like it.
Ah lads. I thought by drawing attention to this issue lads could do a bit of reflection and develop. It seems to have worked as a klaxon of sorts…
Thread title returned to it’s original form…
You get some of those articles from time to time. “Things only Dublin folk say” etc, as if the rest of the country gives a fuck.
McGregor getting money set back Dublin 20 years
Not unlike how Dublin getting money set the GAA back 30 years.
Wooly used to laugh at Dublin football. He’s not laughing now.
Albeit he was one of the beneficiaries of the money sloshing round Dublin clubs but that’s another story.
Woolie is a great man for running with the hares and the hounds*
*I am in no way condoning the weirdos who do this.
Here’s a doozy. All the whack job racists in ireland are dubs apparently.
No they just suit the role far more
A Venn diagram of “characters on the Hill”, the lads recording scuffles at water charges protests on mobile phones, and Far Right blow hards would be a circle.
I used to work in the Central Bank and lived on Stephen’s St. 5 minute walk. Flex time so could start anytime between 7.30 and 10am. I was always bursting in the door wheezing to get the clock in before a post 10am infraction. Coffee break at 10:30 where a tea lady would arrive with a trolley with cups,tea, coffee and a selection of biscuits. It was handy but Jesus I left out of boredom. The 32 hour week just dragged.
You’re nuts. That right there is living the dream.
Between @mikehunt and @dancarter I’m starting to suspect how the Banking Crisis happened