Anybody getting pissed?

[quote=“farmerinthecity, post: 654870”]How the hell would I know?

Fair point. It’s only now the time is here that my disappointment at not making the invite list for this trip is sinking in.

[quote=“Bandage, post: 654869”]

Did this race not finish on Monday or Tuesday night?[/quote]

Think the winning boat came in earlier in the week but I think the other losers are still coming in. I don’t know tbh and I do not care.

Does it not hurt when they pin the sails to you?

File under ‘terrible Appendage-like banter’.

Enjoy the hints Clarkey and farmer.
I hope the two of you will be attending the mid summer tfk Jamboree. Thread is just on fire at the moment so hope location and time is confirmed soon as we will need somewhere big!

I just want to go on the record as saying I am absolutely sick of hints. And FML in general.

Three days of it. SMH.

Have a serious headache from last night. Have taken 6 500mg paracetamol since midday with little effect.

Why do I do it to myself, fucking cocktail bars are the devil :shakefist:

Paracetamol is very bad for you pal. Avoid.

Think I might go out and drink some beer tonight.

Oh the hints (to be specific - Old fashioneds and Bud Lights) are washing merrily down.


God Bless Las Vegas.

God Bless America.

:pint: :pint: :pint: :pint: :smiley:

The star-studded TFK AFC astro squad opportunistically availed of some random company’s tab in a Dublin pub last night. Wonderful stuff. :clap:

Top Notch. The perks of being a TFK player are endless


Rocko - can we get we get a smilie for old fashioneds?

Great to see BT back in top form. :clap:

I don’t think this is BT anymore, his metamorphosis into Don Draper is taking hold.

I’m feeling really refreshed this morning after a good drinking session and I’m walking around with a real pep to my step. I will post a detail log of last night’s events up later.


Go on sure. Throw up a few more.
