Anyone getting pissed tonight?

I am, hopefully

I’m not, unfortunately.

Off to Galway at 6.30 tomorrow morning so - no.

Haven’t been out on a Wednesday night in a year I would say. Also told myself on Sunday and Monday that I was taking break from the drink for a while given the shit way I felt.

Unlikely to happen though.

Serious few shandies going to be had tonight I feel

Whats the occasion Sledge? Did yez manage to get booze for that party in the end?

I had plenty of drink stashed away, it was those other 2 gobshites who never got any the previous night so as not to be hamstrung by the 10pm offie closing time. They got sorted anyway, or at least I presume they did as they had a crate of Corona under their arms when they arrived.

No occasion tonight, just off work and fancy getting twatted

How’d the night go? Have a vague recollection of ringing Eye Mall at about 3.30 to get directions but then decided I’d be better off going home

Yep Sledgehammer, cheers for the invite to your housewarming.

You cunt.

So you didn’t even go to the tfk do? Poor form. The directions might have been poor due to me shouting in the background.

[quote=“Bandage”]Yep Sledgehammer, cheers for the invite to your housewarming.

You cunt.[/quote]

In true Rafa Benitez style I am glad that people are pissed off at not getting the nod :smiley:

As I said, it was madness having the Christmas piss up in November. Christmas isn’t even in November. Bear in mind next year.

You cunt.

Was at the TFK do - was 3.30am when I rang himself after coming out of Coppers

cant do the midweek dinking/drinking on a school night anymore. i just wont get up the next day. must be old age. oh to be young again

Misread - thought you said 9.30, not 3.30. In fairness the drinking only stopped around 6ish.

Mugs game this on-licence drinking.

81 cent for a bottle of Bud in my local supermarket.

[quote=“SHANNONSIDER**”]Mugs game this on-licence drinking.

81 cent for a bottle of Bud in my local supermarket.[/quote]

there is no craic drinking at home imho. nice to get out hear a few tunes and soak up the atmosphere.

giving current economic climate i can see more and more people pursuing that option ss.

Getting to the end of my tether indoors now, I need to get out into the rain, hit the nearest boozer

I’m posting this from the bar of a galway hotel with a fantastic pint of guinness by my side. Stuck up here on my own with work.

Sledge, have you been getting pissed at home so far?

Runt, Farmer’s in Galway tomorrow and Friday - PM him to meet for pints in the hotel bar tomorrow night.

[quote=“Bandage”]Sledge, have you been getting pissed at home so far?

Runt, Farmer’s in Galway tomorrow and Friday - PM him to meet for pints in the hotel bar tomorrow night.[/quote]

All going well I will be out of here tomorrow afternoon. Which is a pity, I like to meet strange men from the internet in hotel bars.