

We need to hear from James Conway asap

So weā€™re handing $14bn back to an American multi-national at the time when weā€™re allowing US citizens freely into the country and not enforcing quarantine or travel restrictions on them. Tis a great little country all the same :upside_down_face:

51st State

Iā€™m in tears, got up early just for this news, Iā€™m vindicated. Bad luck @mikehunt

Thereā€™ll be parties all over tax departments in Dublin this evening.


Virtual parties I hope, we dont need that important sector to be wiped out by covid

In laymanā€™s terms, why is it a good thing that multinationals donā€™t have to pay their full share of taxes?.. I know they pay some tax, put itā€™s no where near the lower rate we offer.

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Apple wins ; EU sent home with tea in a mug . That said appeal (pun ) to ECJ

We tried to tell you lads.

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The Twitter melt down from the People Before Profit (i.e. non working) types should be a joy to behold.



They pay a decent amount of tax now. We collected almost ā‚¬11bn in corporate taxes last year, the bulk of it from multinationals.

The Apple case was about historic deals that donā€™t apply anymore.

Youā€™ll have people moaning about what we could have done with the ā‚¬13bn but if weā€™d lost it would have upset the apple tart in a big way and put the ā‚¬11bn we get every year at risk.



Posted from my iPhone

Thank God Sinn Fein didnā€™t get a chance to start spending the Apple settlement money.

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Iā€™ve written quite a bit on this here before.

This was basically a EU tax grab for amounts they werenā€™t due. The dumbass lefties in Ireland just saw free billions to piss up the wall.

In reality, more tax should have been paid in the US and earlier. Similarly, they should have paid more in China. But the meme that they didnā€™t pay tax isnā€™t true either. After Trumpā€™s tax reforms (a very good move, something he was given zero credit for pushing), a lot of tax has been brought home.

The people who claim to care on the left were trying to take tax money from poorer people living in many US cities. Inner city poverty was one of the issues that the BLM spoke about, but the same people here with black avatars were truing to take money from these people.

In terms of Ireland, the other meme that large corporations donā€™t pay enough tax is a complete fallacy.


Thatā€™ll be understood by all immediately and should put an end to the whinging

Edit cart also but letā€™s just celebrate the win


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FAO of
Tour de France
Apple Tart


@Ashman badly exposed there

Lads in their 40s using their own baby talk.