
Who are we charging 0% to? We are getting €9bn a year.

Ireland whored themselves out to the corporate world. So bad that did it get the whore ended up giving the punter back some money. The G7 thankfully stepped in before we embarrassed ourselves further.

The corporate world allowed us to pay hundreds of thousands 18 months of PUP.


Lads were happier when we had 20 per cent unemployment and sending our best and brightest to live in the G7


Good man. Whored themselves out for 250k jobs for their citizens with an average wage of over €50k which catches them at higher rate of tax …provincial towns that would have nothing now have a multinational creating employment …not to mention the knock on affect on the local employment from goods and services needed…


Fair play Mike. Leading the charge.

The game is up. Our goose is well and truly cooked now

Paddy will have to rely on his wit and ingenuity to create employment from now on.

Correct. We’re fucked.
It was a good grift while it lasted in fairness

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Macron and Merkel will tell Paddy to fall in.,

Do ye really think the G7 will stand up to their paymasters in the big companies? If they do anything it’ll be a giant fudge.

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Paddy shot himself in the foot and the cap doffers are seething.

Paddy did what he could. If they close the loop holes now so be it. We’ll have tens of thousands of jobs here still

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It’s a US loophole really, Ireland portrayed as the bad guys though :cry:

Paddy has been mugging off Uncle Sam for some time

@mikehunt wont like that. He hates to see the G7 mugged off by Paddy


Too much MNC wealth is directed to Paddy’s kitchen island industrial complex. Need to give it back to Uncle Sam to build more weapons.

The UK and the US control the vast majority of tax havens in the world and could end them over night

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Presumably that’s “knowledge box” though.