
Iā€™d say, ā€œthese are our loopholes, if you donā€™t like those, we have othersā€ in reality.
This is a PR exercise so the G7 can raise personal income tax.

Yer man seems like a bit of an MNC apologist. What is his background?

Brother in FG. Not to be trusted.

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No one uses the knowledge box

I wonder whatā€™s in ā€œOther Operating Expensesā€?

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Im stealing that one

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Iā€™m not sure Ursula would care as the EU approved the KDB. Itā€™s completely unworkable thought

Those were different days mate.

Good to know

No bother

So this will cost us a couple of billion a year at least, just what we need right now on top of the cost of Covid and the billions we need to spend on housing, broadband and this carbon neutral Green nonsense recently announced.

Thank god sinn Fein know where the magic money tree forest is

FFG are good at finding magic money trees when it comes to lining the pockets of Larry Goodman, Denis Oā€™Brien and property developers.

Not so good at finding magic money trees when it comes to efficient investment in housing, health and other public services though and they are very good at selling off state resources to vested interests for a song.

But hey, letā€™s not focus on that.

So you think sinn Fein would be better? They mismanage a failed state thatā€™s kept on life support from London. Their election promises were complete fantasy lapped up by their brain-dead base and drew enough in that they came very close to having to stand over them. They quickly realised that mistake and are now toeing the government line in case theres a risk they ever get near power. Every government in every country makes mistakes and has issues but FDI is what differentiates Ireland from being a basket case into being a decent country. But fuck that the freebee crowd just want more hand outs.

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You donā€™t understand the political system up north.

a) The pursestrings are controlled by Westminister who see the north as an inconvenience.
b) The Assembly executive is a 5 party combination so they are held to ransom by the unionist headbangers
c) SF acknowledge the north is a broken system and actively want to scrap the two broken political systems on this island and try a new one that works.

Now, you merely decided to deflect from the fact that all the problems in the free state are problems made by the two parties who have governed it from its inception - Fianna Fail and Fine Gael.

SF have never been in power, they donā€™t have history of wrecking the country, causing recessions, burdening future generations with a seismic national debt that they will pay off for the rest of their lives, that have filleted public services and resources, created huge problems in housing and health. You have no interest in discussing that, you merely want to deflect. You remind me of those loyalists from Tigers Bay who actively vote DUP despite the fact they view those types of people with utter contempt.

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This thread is about foreign direct investment and itā€™s importance to Ireland.

You keep bringing up the health service and accuse FG of causing worldwide recessions, but think Iā€™m trying to deflect.

It was you who brougth SF and magic money trees into it and who then brought SF and the Assembly up north into it and then what you called their failed SF election promises (which makes no sense as they havenā€™t been in power to deliver on any of those election promises).

After you seemed to have ran out of road defending the indefensible you then take the knee.

I accept your concession.

FFG have just made mistakes, they have caused economic crises that has burdened a debt on this generation and future generations and have created crises in both health and housing that will take multiple decades to resolve (and most likely will only be worsened by the same incompetent FFG fuckwits who were responsible for them in the first place).

But apparently FFG get a free pass for their proven track record in catastrophes.

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SF have led the charge for freebees in the apple case. Thatā€™s why they are relevent to it. If they jeopardize FDI are they going to have a solution to replace it. They canā€™t go cap in hand to London. Thatā€™s why they are relevant to this thread.

What relevance does the health service have?

Try and keep up

Remember when Mary Lou said we should seize the money held in Escrow to pay for the PUP :grinning:

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