
Was there some accusations from the Brits about Germany breaking EU state aid rules to help one of their car manufacturers?

Your argument boils down to if you won a million in the lotto you’d give it back, as you don’t want to be beholden to good fortune.

Just be thankful you live under the shade of the Westminster money tree, and don’t have to plan for reality.

My argument boils down to putting all your eggs into one basket, so much so that you are then beholden to one sector who have you by the balls is the definition of short term thinking and for a government it’s a sign of gross incompetence.

That’s all going to change though. The decades of policy failures have come home to roost and most of your demograph will no longer return the FFG charlatans that have caused this catastrophe.

Yeah. Or look at the “tax exemptions” France give to companies like Total

The ballooning national debt occured under FF. FG and the other parties did not oppose the policies followed and wanted to spend the same or more. All the parties with the exception of Labour voted for the bank guarantee. After the crisis FFGL fixed the budget deficit, with SF opposing all the measures that did so. Their only alternative plan was to spend €13bn on a jobs plan that created less jobs than FGL created without spending that money. Then Pearse threw his hat in with the charlatans in Syriza telling us Ireland should be more like Greece. The EU sent them home with tae in their mug after adding another 80bn odd to their debt via another bailout package. Since then, we’ve had Mary Lou telling us to spend the money in Escrow, knowing that’s not feasible but it’s enough to get a few simpletons frothing at the mouth that there is a pot of gold under the couch we’re not using.

The Troika “fixed” the deficit.

Could well happen, they’ll vote SF in and all of a sudden get a dose of reality and broken promises. And suddenly realise you can’t eat memes or live on tiktok.

Or “the demographics” will fix the looming pensions issue.

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A dose of reality?

Hard to see how they could possibly do any worse.

The Troika were the best government we ever had. My belief in a technocracy has been shaken by the medical junta.

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I know it’s hard for you to see that. You are from a monopoly money statelet.

What you don’t realise is, Ireland was way way worse. You suggest it was utopia that FFG have ruined. When the opposite is truer. It was a basket case that they’ve improved.

Monopoloy money statelet.


This is from the country who are building the worlds most expensive childrens hospital that’s at least double overbudget and was meant to have been completed years ago.

You seem to be very defensive of the numerous examples of utter incompetency of FFG.

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That new iOS with the web address at bottom of page is annoying.


Takes a bit of getting used to.

Select the AA at the top to change it back.

Actually it’ll be on the bottom of the screen for you :slight_smile: (Show Top Address Bar)


Where would I be without you? :clap::clap:

Cc @Locke

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Done, fair play to you