
We’re a tiny country on the edge of Europe.

FDI has been a major positive influence on the country and any lad who argues otherwise doesn’t live here or wasn’t alive in the 1980s.

Look at that tweet above, Ireland, tiny country with tiny population gets at least the second in the world tax intake from us MNCs. More than Mexico, Canada, India, Japan. It’s close to a miracle. But the permanently outraged think yet again they aren’t getting ‘fairness’ and want more for nothing.


The same relevance SF and Stormont have.

You brought SF into it. I brought the halfwits who have created an economic crisis that the ordinary worker will have pay for the cost of for many generations, who have created crises in health and housing that will last for at least decades.

The real issue here is that the Irish economy is beholden to MNCs and that problem is coming home to roost now. This is yet another failure of FFG, cut sweetheart deals with large MNCs, have allowed these MNCs plunder the taxbase and make billions of profits that is swept out of the country.

I look at proper functioning economies like the Scandavian countries, like Holland and Belgium and Germany. You’ll notice these economies aren’t build on the house of cards that the Irish economy is which is predicated on MNCs and bending over backwards for them.

Great stuff. Doesn’t seem to have solved social issues which impact basic human rights like housing and health? But hey as long as makes a few billionaires that bit richer. The policies of FFG have been consistently for the guts of the past 30+ years to plunder state services and resources and put them into the hands of private interests who can profit off it. The fact you see nothing wrong with that shows how deluded you are.

The rural equivalent of a Tigers Bay DUP voter.

Holland is to a large extent built on similar tax incentives and being the port of Europe. Belgium is built on EC being headquartered there. Germany is a huge economy with massive tradition of heavy industry.

Ireland has done incredibly well economically by leveraging the advantages we had.

If the MNCs aren’t in Ireland then half the forum won’t be living here anymore and their kids certainly won’t be.

They’ve done it by being a whore.

It’s built on a house of cards. The type of cowboy builder who does things the quick and easy way to make a quick buck but somewhere along the line it’s going to come crashing down.

They threw all their eggs into the basket of an MNC.

We’ve not. Travel around Europe. We’re an incredibly prosperous and successful island.

Things could be done better of course - the sheer demand for housing is a by product of our thriving economy.

It’s served us for almost 30 years now and is the reason that your average GAA player now has at least a degree versus an inter cert in the 1980s.

Bahahaha you don’t understand that without the MNCs there would be no huge tax base that you now think is being ‘plundered’ the ordinary workers are the ones who have good jobs thanks to these companies. It’s the ordinary wasters that comprise SFs voter base who just want more handouts despite paying almost no tax and creating almost none of the tax base themselves.

standard space cadet economics.

Oh and why can’t Ireland just be Germany. Good lord.

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By MNCs.

Look at the amount of healthcare workers Ireland exports every year.

They have an absolutely shambolic health service which has been down to government policy to hawk it off to the private sector and underinvest in healthcare staff and facilities - lots of those people have had to emigrate for work or better conditions.

It was a choice, the Irish govt threw all their eggs into the baskets of MNCs so much so that MNCs now have them buy the balls and don’t contribute sufficiently to the tax coffers. There are multiple crises in this state and they are all down to the policies of FFG. The disastrous decisions they have made and the consequences of their short termism fixes are about to come home to roost in a spectacular way.


They key word here is sufficiently. The paw is always out for more.

The ordinary workers are the ones burdened with debts for generations, being ripped off on healthcare and who have limited chance of owning their own home and will end up lining the pockets of private landlords with their hard earned wages at these MNCs.

I wouldn’t expect the forum equivalent of a Tigers Bay DUP voter to see the big picture.

Slab Murphy would be a good example of a businessman operating in multiple jurisdictions paying a sufficient amount of tax.

How would you replace all the MNCs jobs and taxes to allow you to pay all the healthcare workers you want.

Our health system is an issue but it’s a mismanagement issue more than a money issue.

You want to tell a small business owner working hard to keep his business in operation and whatever jobs he can alive that it’s fair game he pays the full 12.5% on his limited profits but those big MNCs will pay a fraction of that on the billions of profit they generate.

The fact that you see nothing wrong with that type of disparity in how the ordinary guy is treated is telling. You’d swear you were for Elon Musk, you’re not - you’re one of the many people getting fleeced by the FFG policies yet like those Tigers Bay DUP voters, you just can’t see it.

Here’s how much they pay.

If the small business owner needs help, the tax base is there to cover him. But with no tax base, the situation would be very different. You can’t grasp this reality. SF cry it to convince enough (but not too many) morons to vote for them, it’s politicking. You swallow it whole.

That guy is completely dishonest and his figures are fudged.


How are small business owners being aided in Ireland?

I’m the only one living in reality here. You seem to be unaware that the large MNCs have Ireland by the balls and dictate to the Irish govt how much tax they will pay than the other way around. The Irish govt spending millions fighting the EU on a case that would have added billions to their tax base so they could remain in bed with a MNC said it all.

The same govt had little problem in telling the Irish taxpayer they’d have to repay the debts of foreign bondholders for the rest of their lives.

You have an issue with Apple being told to pay corporation tax on their profits (about €13bn) but have no issue with ordinary workers paying the debts of reckless bondholders which is a large part of a €240bn national debt that taxpayers are expected to fund.

It’s ridiculous how idiotic on this, I’d say you are actually even more deluded than a Tigers Bay DUP voter.

Where did I say I’d no issue with that. You are straight into straw manning as you are losing the argument. As bad as Ireland is, it’s not a basket case and has operated well enough to attract the miracle of foreign investment. I shudder to think what would be the case if the utter mindless scum who staff and vote for sinn Fein were in power for the past few decades. What would that economic growth policy look like? Selling drugs? Robbing banks? You are a citizen of a huge global empire which funds a disfunctional statelet. You literally have a magic money tree in Westminster, and are therefore conditioned to think they exist everywhere. They don’t. ireland is a small independent country with lots of issues, as all small new countries do, but lots of positives. You think though, why can’t Ireland just be Germany. Laughable.

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Straw manning. You brought SF into a debate to coverup blatant failings of FFG policies. The fact you cannot see that Ireland is so beholden to a few MNCs for their economy to survive is insane? Do you not see the problem here? Do you not see that these MNCs have Ireland by the balls here? Just like health and housing, these failings are coming home to roost and the consequences of them are seismic and they are all on the back of failed FFG policies - the same crowd who have workers paying off a €250bn national debt after the crashed the economy little over a decade ago. Stooges like you actually returned them to power and you’re claiming to be the enlightened and knowledgeable one? Mother of gawd.

And is now beholden to MNCs which you don’t think is an issue. Threw their eggs all in one basket and now the house of cards is about to collapse but you can’t see anything wrong with that strategy. Short termism and utterly flawed. Why was it not govt policy to stregthen their own domestic businesses, why are SMEs continuing to struggle.

Surely this is something govt should have been doing all in their power to improve but oh no, that sounds like too much work and investment for the FFG charlatans.

Why do you shudder to think what SF would do? We know for an absolute fact that FFG have a proven track record in gross incompetence and economic illiteracy. They brought a huge economic crash little over a decade ago with hundreds of thousands forced to emigrate and many never to return. SF are free from that sort of incompetence, they are free from creating crises in housing and health - both basic human needs. They are free from the corrupt practices FFG have with bankers, developers, vulture funds and billionaires. They are free from the decades of hawking off state resources and services to vested interests in very shady circumstances.

Given the levels of gross incompetence and policies failures FFG have been responsible for in the past 20 years, its unfathomable to imagine how any political party could possibly do any worse in government, it’s inconceivable that you think two parties who have created crises in housing and health and burdened a national debt of €250bn on a country with less than 5m population are the best fit parties to run this country. Anyone with any bit of common sense would see that your claims here are that of raving lunatic.

You keep bringing SF into this to deflect from the policy failures of FFG. They have created this mess.