

Not a million miles off it. Her phone is so jammed she is locked out of WhatsApp and load of other apps. She can barely get into her photos to delete them itā€™s on such a go slow

Have you tried sticking your thumb up her hole?


A delightful twist to a well - worn tfk classic.

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I donā€™t use iCloud but just upload the photos to onedrive or somewhere and delete them from the phone and figure out the iCloud stuff afterwards. Iā€™ve never been bothered looking into it but I always assumed you were better off going with a more generic cloud storage option than one tied to Apple anyway.

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Tell her to stop taking so many photos sheā€™s never going to look at again.


All sound advice and much appreciated. But a special thanks to @Rocko for actually offering me a solution that might work.

Would you need to connect the phone via a cable of sorts to upload to Dropbox or one of them or just connect via your email adress?

Just download the Dropbox / One Drive App. Just check which is offering the most free storage. I know one drive recent cut their allowance from 15GB to 5GB but thatā€™s still decent

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You will appreciate those photos when you have kids mate. There is about 99% of them of the kids

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Cheers that appears to be a practical solution.

Fairly sure Google Drive give more storage than Dropbox / OneDrive if thatā€™s any handier. Can be easier if she uses gmail as her main email address too.

Treatystones will be along shortly with his tinfoil hat to tell you why you shouldnā€™t do this.

If you actually want them, print them off, otherwise youā€™ll lose them at some stage. The icloud will be a distant memory by the time you want to see them again.

Keep a physical copy of the photos as part of your implementation of the 3-2-1 backup strategy which you should implement for all important content.

3 copies of your data on
2 different media
1 of them offsite


Iā€™m going off grid. All my information will be in hard copy now. Iā€™m getting a typewriter as well.



Surely will be a simple way to transition to the replacement for cloud in the future. If not get on it.

Have a new iPhone lads, any recommended apps?

I use Infuse for videos. Overcaset for podcasts. Boring but nothing springs to mind.

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Apps are very 2014

Second hate mate, didnā€™t pay a thing. Otherwise Iā€™d get any old 50 dollar piece of shit.


Denmark to heat local towns with heat from Appleā€™s new data centre