
Judgement day has passed.

The world is about to end pal, it matters not.

Commission have said that it is irrelevant. Appeal was already lodged.

In the last 6 months, Apple’s bank reserves have increased by c € 13bn. They’re pissing money.

I’ve finally taken delivery of my AirPods. OMFG they’re amazing. I’ve always found connecting to Bluetooth devices to be a pain in the arse but the connection on these is seamless. The W1 chip could be a game changer.

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I like the BeatsX for exercising.

They are a game changer.

Does the Bluetooth not make a bollox of the battery life

No. I always have Bluetooth so my Apple Watch is connected. I haven’t noticed any change in batter life before or after I started using it.

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I upgraded to iOS 11 last night. Safari is much, much faster to load. I recommend fellow forumites upgrade.

Sounds awful… constantly needing upgrades because it’s running slow and being charged through the nose for it.

I switched away from these cunts and am glad of it.


Thanks BT, but I’ll give it a week or so. Although the ability to post faster and more frequently on the IOS will be a wonderful addition to me.


It’ll be a wonderful addition to us all.

I doubt that the third world Oirish infrastructure can handle it


I was wondering what people were saying about the iPhone X and was open on my parents’ iPad so I had a browse. One guy had been tracking his order and had managed to get the flight tracker for the plane carrying his order. He was posting updates on the plane’s progress, noting it was at 7,000ft over Lambay Island etc. There were several others who were going postal as UPS or DHL or whoever were taking too long to deliver their phones. People are strange.

Anyway, they all seemed happy with the phone when they got them. I’ll try and pick one up over the next few weeks.


Make your mind up.

I see Tim Cook told Leo to all but stick Athenry where a cock usually goes?
Seems all that arse licking and cap doffing by the Eire establishment to apple over unpaid taxes was for nothing

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You should see the amount of guff that’s flying around on FB locally on this. You’d swear Apple were some sort of charity who were going to hire a few thousand workers. People out protesting etc :grin:. I fired a few facts out on Apples human rights breaches to quieten the uneducated cunts.

If they want to protest about something it should be Galway’s traffic which is the real issue as we lose 1000s of jobs to Limerick over the next decade.


There’s fuck all jobs in the Data Centres. Very little in the way of spin off services either. Would probably work out at 100 jobs max I’d say ?

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Much less I’d say. And some temporary jobs in construction.

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