Are you all set for The Christmas

Its run by a theatre group I believe

Things were better in the olden days when children were just raised for the export market.


Say no more.

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It’s like a UN food drop in a supermarket before Christmas.
Humanity is fucked.
Just because tesco is going to close for 24 hours.

its illegal to pay €8.65 an hour mate

Just to clarify mate, the staff dressed up as elves etc in the place I went were normal staff members of the place so would have been on their normal fixed wage for their work for the day.

You’re right though, things have changed. 30 years ago, the idea of a creepy father following his son and his mates around some dive like Santa Ponsa for a week would have seemed wrong. At least nowadays its a bit more acceptable.


Horrendous job. Non stop waves of coked up kids and pushy parents with barely a break. It’s got to be against Elf and Safety regulations.



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Yup. You thought they were just high about Christmas?. Turns out they found the personal in the bike pouch on your fixie.

Not true m8.

I bow to your superior knowledge of the subject

It’s tough living on the breadline.

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There are an awful lot of very very precious dads posting on here over forcing everyday situations at their childeren. The harder they try and the more € they use to set up the situation the better they feel about themselves. It’s destroying the kids actually. Look here, think this, think that, sit there Timmy, look at the camera, smile, do a funny face, say thanks to Mr Elf, good boy Timmy. It’s revolting behavior. It’s fucked up.
This generation of kids will revolt against their over bearing self obsessed parents as they will be sick to shit of them when they reach late teens.


Kids being sick of their parents in their late teens? Thats some insight.


It started much earlier than that in my house. But maybe that’s just me.

todays pushy parents telling their small kids every step of the way how to enjoy themselves will not have a good relationship with those kids into adult life. those poor kids will rebel in their teens and never go back. unlike say fellas like me who have a serious relationship now with my eldest son because i didnt force him to feel what i wanted him to feel.

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We need to get the child psychologist to make that assesment I wouldn’t be qualified

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Fantastic to hear you get on so well with your son pal…top top dad :+1:

Not quite feeling the Christmas cheer yet. Handed in my notice in a pharmaceutical company. Sick of politics and cliques. Went for interview for permanent role (currently contractor) and it was one of them interviews where there was a preferred candidate and the process was a charade. I had to be seen to be playing along so I just went for it to placate them. Now I have sat many interviews inn my career. Been successful in some and not in others but to say it was a humiliating and humbling experience would put it mildly. This was a first. 3 women sat in front of me and proceeded to pick me apart. The preferred candidate got the foundation maths version of the interview. He has 3 years on me so I have no qualms about him getting the job but there is a right way and wrong way.

I rang up previous employer and they are taking me back. I had to swallow my pride a bit but I am now going to a permanent role and hopefully get my career back on track. Current employers asked me to reconsider but my minds made up. They have me working all over Christmas while I cover for employee who left and whose job I interviewed for. The rest of the permanent staff will be at home watching its a wonderful life enjoying their 12% bonuses. To say I am seething is an understatement.