Are you all set for The Christmas

I’ll drive on to fuck


It’s a great time of year for us true believers in Our Lord Jesus Christ

What’s he got to do with it?

“From what ive saw”

FFfs sake

Have a read of this.

I never saw a saw that could saw like the saw I saw, saw in Warsaw saw.


If you are unable to identify the several other grammatical and spelling errors in that post then let me know and I’ll feed two birds with one scone.

The one I quoted triggered me. I’ve settled down now.


Not sending cards this year.

You’ll be treated like a God mate. Boggers cream themselves at the sight of a bit of foreign currency.

Putting up the tree this Friday - getting a bit giddy now.


A virgin? Yeah right - I remember her in school.

I’ll be getting a rolled and boned turkey lads, (ordered it there today 17Dec2018) fuckit you’d want your head examined buying that big useless bastard whole and having it take up the oven for 5 hours and then picking the carcass like a fucking wild dog for the rest of the week.
Get a 7,8 or 9 pound rolled and boned and it takes 2 to 2.5 hours. No waste and no fucking around and less chance of half if it drying up.
I’ll definitely get the few legs thrown in this year(& the giblets for the gravy)


How much did that set you back

I advised the very same you against this idea years ago. It’s neither one thing nor the other.
You’ve it ordered now so basically you’re fucked. But I railed against this before…

I havent paid for it iv only ordered it.

I know what I’m doing.

You know fuck all about anything you gimpy cunt.

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It’s just a turkey for my Christmas dinner, why are you losing the head you fucking halfwit?


This time next week it’ll all be over lads…

No harm