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Yeah but he was a goalie

Not with the side he played with at the peak. They already had a top notch netminder


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You know the type, all craic when out with their friends, cracking jokes, a little on the edge but that’s what makes them funny. Get home then and turn on the missus


Youd know by the head on them, most of them covered in Tattoos like tramps aswell


Exhibit A


Di Maria has always reminded me of one of the henchemen when they depict those cartels in the movies

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A special type of lad gets a neck tattoo.


There was a video going about twitter (now taken off due to copyright BS) of the Dutch acting the cunt during the penalties. Shots for them!

Tommy from goodfellas if he played soccer

The Argies sorted em good and proper.


They’re a particularly knackery looking lot. Is there even one of them that’s not festooned in tattoos?

The British love their tattoos as well.

Particularly the one in Edinburgh.

John Bullshitter seems very rattled. This tournament is a mere formality for England, surely?

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Shur wasn’t I shut down when I pointed out Diego shoved the wife around

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Long time Argentina resident and Argentina soccer expert, John Carlin had some damning observations to make on Argentina as a country in his piece in the Sunday Times today.

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Sounds like he should think about moving. Maybe we could do a swap with our resident wantaway @Thomas_Brady

Come on Croatia. A proper Catholic country. Anything to beat those tattooed wife beaters


I’ve quite enjoyed my trips to Argentina over the years. It really has gone progressively downhill over the years economically though since the first time I was there, nearly 30 years ago.