Arise, Sir Boris

Mark Francois is the new NI Secretary

Brexit hardman Steve Brexit is the new Deputy PM

He’s cutting NI loose so

Are you making this up?

The country is safe!

Priti Patel gone into pick up her Ministry. She’s in charge of starving Paddy into submission.

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Nothing pretty about her .

Steve Baker will get a job.

Tobacco lobbyist, death penalty supporter, Israel shill and Al Qaeda supporter Priti Patel is apparently the new Home Secretary

There was/is actually a serious rumour that Gavin Williamson will be reappointed to Defence



Thats a good post.

We mightnt like most of our politicians but the reality is we have a lot more in common with our public reps than most of British voters have with theirs

Boris has emphatically stated the UK will be leaving the EU in 99 days time.

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What is Boris Johnson’s play here? Fuck the DUP under the bus and take in essence the deal which was previously on the table along with getting a mandate/majority in a hastily held GE?

Our friend Boris is going to be a Tremendous Prime Minister of England.

Today is yet another great day.


Massive pivot to the right here.

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An American born divorcee as Prime Minister is a tough pill for traditionalists to swallow. King Edward VIII had to abdicate for marrying one.

Less of it Sid

That fruit cake Dominic Cummings in as an advisor.

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